Hello from Bulgaria! My first Mazda

Just want to say Hi and thanks for all information in this forum. It's helpful.

Before few months I buy my first Mazda CX-5 GT premium pack 2019 from USA IAAI.
So the car is great, really like it and enjoying to drive. It is so much better from my last car Mitsubishi ASX.

I'm from Bulgaria EU and a lot of people buy cars from USA IAAI \Copart last years. The main reasons is the good price and the real car history.

The car looks solid and feelsgood quality. For now only change the oil and oil filter in official service \100$\ and buy air filter and cabin filter \$18 for two\ to chang it myself. Everything else for now is ok.

Hope to have a few good years wit the car.


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And to make the topic a little more interesting, since I see that you are mainly from the USA & CA, let me tell you what insurances and fees there are in our country Bulgaria EU to have a car. I guess you will be interested.

- we have a state tax on the car, which is determined based on the power and eco standart. That amount is from $20 to about $600 per year. The Mazda is about $110
- we have a technical review every year. It is $60
-we have a road fee of $60 per year
- we have mandatory insurance,It costs from $150 to $200 depending on the car. Everyone is required to have it, and if they cause an accident through their fault, the insurance pays the other innocent participants in the accident.
- insurance upon request. It covers all damages even if you are at fault. In the event of a road accident, theft, fire, storm, scratches, parking accidents, scratches and others. There the prices are very different depending on the car's price. The Mazda for a year is $750

So to have car in Bulgaria the tax and insurance is around $400. And full insurance if you want is $750 for my Mazda. All taxes and insurance are for the car - if you have 2 cars -pay for each car. There is no problem other people to drive your car with your insurance and taxes.
All goes with the car not wit the man.

What is the taxes in your country to have a car
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Hi 👋 @desere and welcome to mazdas247 😀. We have a 2019 signature in the same machine gray color (ours has the 2.2 diesel) and it's been an excellent car so far.

Here in the USA, taxes and insurance vary from state to state. We live in Ohio and here we pay a one time "sales tax" (rates vary from county to county in the state) of 6.5% of the purchase price of the car.
Ohio requires a minimum insurance level of $50,000 of injury and $25,000 or property damage liability coverage although people are a certainly free to buy higher levels of coverage if they like to better protect their assets. Rates vary widely from company to company and person to person depending on many factors such as where you live, your age, gender, driving record, "credit score", education level, and on and on. As an example, we pay around $500/year for a "full coverage", $300,000 combined single limit (CSL) auto policy. Same as you, it's per vehicle and would cover another driver (say a friend or co worker) who borrowed our car.

License fees vary from state to state as well. Some states charge based on the value of your vehicle and can be hundreds of dollars each year. Here in Ohio, we have straight fees that are slightly different for passenger cars or motorcycle or commercial truck, trailer etc. A passenger car is around $60/year (that rate varies by county also).

So, in our case, for a brand new (in 2019) Mazda cx5 signature, we paid about $2000 taxes on day one then $560 each year for insurance and license fees.

As an aside, we own an aircraft and (in Ohio) there was zero sales tax (used aircraft), zero insurance requirement and a $30 annual registration fee) 🤷‍♂️
Hi and welcome @desere! Thanks for the kind words…Great introduction and topic starter…Please keep us updated on your CX-5 experience if possible…Always interesting and informative to learn about car ownership experiences from around the world. 😁
Hi, I've had the car for a while now only 2 months but I'm very happy with it. And sometimes I even drive it slightly aimlessly for pleasure. It's the most powerful car I've owned and it really feels good when I step on the gas, especially on 100 octane gas. In Europe, recently, due to eco norms, cars have been losing weight massively. Another thing I like is luxury and quality. I looked at other cars, Hyundai, Honda, but I felt Mazda was the one.

And let me share with you another extreme measure that we introduced in our country. In the battle with drunken and drugged drivers - confiscation of the car. For about a year now, if you're caught driving with drugs or alcohol over 1.2, the state will immediately and permanently impound your vehicle, in addition to other penalties that can include jail time.

If the car is not yours, but a company or someone else's, it is returned to him and the guilty driver is charged a fine equal to the actual amount of the car. The topic is very controversial and there are many discussions, because it is one thing if I catch you with an old car for $1000, another is with a car for $100,000, but in both cases you get the car. There was even a case involving trucks and buses. That is, for the same offense, one pays 1000 and another 10,000. But there is a big and this effect on the society accepted the law well.

The other interesting thing is that here many cars run on propane butane gas. The main reason is the price - a double difference.
LPG costs $0.70 and gasoline A95 - $1.35: A100 - $1.80
Including many Mazdas out of warranty. The price of a regular engine with multi-point injection starts at $600, and for an engine like Mazda with direct injection, it starts at $1200
I will not put on my Mazda

Do you have LPG in USA\CA

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Since I plugged desere's post ^^^ into a translator already, I just pasted it below ...
Здравейте ... [translation] Hello, I've had the car for a while, only 2 months, but I'm very happy with it. And sometimes I even drive it a little aimlessly for pleasure. This is the most powerful car I've ever owned and I really feel good when I step on the gas, especially on 100 octane gasoline. In Europe, cars have been losing weight massively lately due to eco-standards. Another thing I like is luxury and quality. I looked at other cars, Hyundai, Honda, but I felt that the Mazda was mine. And let me share with you another extreme measure that we introduced in our country. In the fight against drunk and drugged drivers - confiscation of the car. For about a year, if you are caught driving with drugs or alcohol over 1.2, the state will immediately and permanently take your car away, in addition to other penalties, which may include imprisonment. If the car is not yours, but is a company car or someone else's, they return it to him and charge the guilty driver a fine in the amount of the actual value of the car. The topic is very controversial and there is a lot of discussion, because it is one thing if you are caught with an old car for $1,000, it is another with a car for $100,000, but in both cases you take the car. There was even a case with trucks and buses. That is, for the same offense one person pays $1,000, and another pays $10,000. But it has a big effect and the public has accepted the law well. [ Translation from Bulgarian ]

And the next post is ...
[Translation] The other interesting thing is that many cars here run on propane butane gas
including many Mazda
I won't put
Do you have LPG in USA\CA
Hello @desere

I live in southern B.C. Canada, EH) BC= Bring Cash! We drive a 2022 CX-5 T and insurance costs about $1200/year for $2M. Pemium fuel is $1.8/L for now. We pay 2 taxes, 5% and 7% on almost everything other than food.

A lot of commercial vehicles use LPG or in the larger centers, LNG is common as well.

Nope, we don't have polar bears in the yard :) Last summer we had 40*C for 2 weeks.

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