Guitarrocker98's PART OUT THREAD

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Then dont buy. Also why say that on someones for salt thread? Seriously??? People like you are why im never on this forum. The only thing that could be considered "over priced" is the amp Everything else is fairly reasonable. Everything is 1 close to new, 2 in good condition, and 3 up to me for sale pricing.

People like you are why I'm never on 247 anymore. I was interested in the GPS unit, until I saw the price, and I can get it cheaper unused online (that's right, I have sources). GLWS though. Now I know why I stopped coming on 247, everyone and their ridiculous prices. I'm out this b****.
mmmmk Have fun with it. but this has US maps the one your buying will claim it does have US but will be sent with Europe and Canada. Just because your dont agree with a price does not mean you need to s*** on someones thread.
mmmmk Have fun with it. but this has US maps the one your buying will claim it does have US but will be sent with Europe and Canada. Just because your dont agree with a price does not mean you need to s*** on someones thread.

Actually since you don't know which one I'm buying... how would you know? It has US maps, LOLOL, I'm not buying it from Japan, just FYI. Some of us have hookups and can get things cheaper than others normally would.

GLWS though.... hope you sell for your asking prices.
It sold, I bought mine from Japan as well. Then when I got it it Europe and Canada Maps. ANYWAYS they are great systems none the less. I only have a few things left. Then I have to get rid of the car itself.
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