GD, I'm hooked baby!


2006 Black Mica MS6 GT + 2007 MS3 (2003.5 Yellow MSP = retired)
Entered my first auto-x yesterday after taking the course three weeks ago. It was awesome. Got in 7 runs on the day; 2 off-course, 4 clean runs, 1 fun run. Steady improvements through the day. Only 2-3 seconds off the leaders in my class and only 6 seconds off the overall leaders.

After only 1 event I am hooked. Gotta get me some better rubber though as our stock Potenzas (mine are 3 yrs old) weren't holding up that well...LOL!.

Attached is video of my fun run. I'll try to compress the other runs and attach them later.



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hahaha yep, autox does that to ya ;)

Dude..what'd you do to those tires? They were crying the whole time! :p I've never ridden in a MS6 b4 (or really seen but 1 on the highway). That thing looked quick in the video. And if you hadn't hit a cone...then dnf'd (or at least gone the wrong way for a second) that woudln't have been a terrible run. Welcome to the club man (cool)
aMaff said:
hahaha yep, autox does that to ya ;)

Dude..what'd you do to those tires? They were crying the whole time! :p I've never ridden in a MS6 b4 (or really seen but 1 on the highway). That thing looked quick in the video. And if you hadn't hit a cone...then dnf'd (or at least gone the wrong way for a second) that woudln't have been a terrible run. Welcome to the club man (cool)
did the dash really look like a MS6?
Once again, never seen one...but I just saw the MS6 in the avatar / sig lol. oops!
not so much unlike a standard mazda6 dash

stfu (sad2)

haha, yeah. now I see that. Still tho, that speed was moving
aMaff said:
stfu (sad2)

haha, yeah. now I see that. Still tho, that speed was moving
lol wasn't trying to make you feel bad

cheer up (wiggle)
lol I'm good. I just feel dumb, cuz that was TOTALLY a protege dash lmao.
Go get you a performance alignment to loosen that sucker up and some decent shoes and you'll be in like phlegm.

It's ok, why should aMaff know what a Protege dash look like?(poke) Heck, he could have thought it was a Honda dash from his co-drives this year. :D
apexlater said:
Go get you a performance alignment to loosen that sucker up and some decent shoes and you'll be in like phlegm.
that's gross man...
apexlater said:
It's ok, why should aMaff know what a Protege dash look like?(poke) Heck, he could have thought it was a Honda dash from his co-drives this year. :D
correction: co-drive
cool movie....i still don't understand how you guys know where to go though....i can never tell the direction of the course in video clips...
aMaff said:
lol I'm good. I just feel dumb, cuz that was TOTALLY a protege dash lmao.

So how limp was your wrist when you wrote that? I can get away with it since I drive a (ghey) car, what's your excuse? :p
jadonP5 said:
cool movie....i still don't understand how you guys know where to go though....i can never tell the direction of the course in video clips...

You walk the course before hand (preferably several times). And it helps if someone with experience is there to hold your hand the first couple of times.

Getting ride-alongs before you have to run also helps you to see the course at speed without having to worry about driving.
Your run looked pretty fast until 50seconds or so, at which point you verbally agreed with my thoughts.

And amaff, lol. I looked at his sig/avatar and thought "cool MS6!" then watched the video and immediately noticed it was a Protege. You've been a way from your car again, haven't you?

Autocrossing rocks, maybe later tonight I'll have my new videos up from yesterday.
I walked the course 5 times and still had two off-course runs. There was another MSP driven by the 2005 Quebec Solo II Champion in this event. His was stock except for Falken Azenzis (?) tires, rims, camber plates, and some various suspension tweaks. My best time was within a second of his so I am pretty satisfied.

I went for a run with an Integra that had the Falken tires. He said that they were the closest thing to an R-compound tire and after my run with him, I believe it. There was almost no tire noise and the turn-in grip was HUGE. Only thing is that with all the mods I have I am already pretty close to Class A which contains all the big boys. If I go to R-compound tires, I will be in Class A for sure....and quite close to the bottom most likely.

Check out this video to see one of the off course runs when I asked one of the more experience drivers to ride with me to give me pointers.

khaosman said:
And amaff, lol. I looked at his sig/avatar and thought "cool MS6!" then watched the video and immediately noticed it was a Protege. You've been a way from your car again, haven't you?

LOL. I have been away from my car. The MSP is now my wife's ride, but she let me have it for the day to take Auto-Xing. I didn't want to take the MS6 to an event until I had more experience with controlling a car on the limit of adhesion. The MS6 is too powerful for me at this point to try to use it for this. I'll improve me skills first, THEN take the fast car out.

Rainman said:
LOL. I have been away from my car. The MSP is now my wife's ride, but she let me have it for the day to take Auto-Xing. I didn't want to take the MS6 to an event until I had more experience with controlling a car on the limit of adhesion. The MS6 is too powerful for me at this point to try to use it for this. I'll improve me skills first, THEN take the fast car out.


Ah cool. I wish I could say that my MSP was my slow car, haha. My P5 is my slow and my fast car :D

That offset slalom does look terrible. I'm guessing I would have nearly spun out on that.
Take advantage of every run, even if you miss a gate, just go for it. A good idea too is to turn your rear view mirror up towards the ceiling so you don't look back at the cones you hit.

Glad you had fun!
