For those who know and for those who dont...Treflip999's return to the forums


Potential Scammer!
2003 Yellow Beast
Man where to start. Basically i got back from iraq last august and i hit the ground runnin back at home with the car. New paint the works, yadda yadda. Well turns out i had more problems then i had bargained for. I hit a heavy stint of what the army would call "re-interation" where i guess i was having trouble getting back into the swing of things, my ex was being a ruthless ***** giving me the run around, i started drinking heavily, basically started neglecting my P5 and things around christmas just got worse and i started getting in trouble with the military and stuff.. Right now im am getting discharged but i am happier then ever because the army is a cult rather then an orgination who even gives 2 ***** about thier soldiers and after watching treat me and others with no respect i am more then happy to say goodbye after 6 years and get back to the real world with my now love of my life and were having a baby and i couldnt be happier. sucks to say my car felt the most of this neglect and is bad shape right now but when you start drinking and not caring it easy to let things slip away but im getting her back and getting my life back together and im back with the M247.fam again. the yellow hatch mafia will never die. As for the guy saying i scammed him or whatever, COME ON, anyone whos been here for a minute knows me and knows ive bought sold traded 1000's of dollars worth of things on this site and never would. He got all his stuff and he just fell out of the communication loop with me when i started having problems and whatever me and him need to setlle me and him will do so and ive taken steps to call him and PM him so i can cause i dont like having problems
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Yeah welcome back...I know there are a couple of people wondering where you have been......
just read your edit now tre.

sucks to hear, but glad you are doing better!

and as far as the scamming thing, im sure you guys will work it out. i mean you both have yellow p5s, and you got to stick together.

s*** happens bro, we are here for ya!
you get the CEL fixed for emissions?

sorry i couldnt get it fixed, didnt have the resources needed at the time. then i sorta isolated myself from the world.. hope there's no hard feelings.

welcome back, you got lucky and missed most of the I-5 construction, it took a number on my suspension and paint job..
welcome back, I love the Yellow hatch Mafia ! Life will be just fine in a matter of time.
Glad to know you're getting your s*** straight but you can't be mad at anyone at all on the forums especially after what happened. There's a difference between someone getting mad at a small misunderstanding but when you give someone the runaround for a year and then try to sell the things that he bought from you a year ago, you can't expect anything else. MANY people vouched for you when all your FS threads were started and most of them ended up wanting to eat their words because of what went down. It seems like you finally decided to take care of everyone in your FS thread which is great but it's going to take a while for you to regain the trust you had. I say this only on my own behalf but I'm sure others feel the same.

Once again, I'm glad you're getting everything with your life sorted and am really glad that you seem to want to clear your name. Best of luck with everything.
Glad to know you're getting your s*** straight but you can't be mad at anyone at all on the forums especially after what happened. There's a difference between someone getting mad at a small misunderstanding but when you give someone the runaround for a year and then try to sell the things that he bought from you a year ago, you can't expect anything else. MANY people vouched for you when all your FS threads were started and most of them ended up wanting to eat their words because of what went down. It seems like you finally decided to take care of everyone in your FS thread which is great but it's going to take a while for you to regain the trust you had. I say this only on my own behalf but I'm sure others feel the same.

Once again, I'm glad you're getting everything with your life sorted and am really glad that you seem to want to clear your name. Best of luck with everything.

I don't think everyone was taken care of. I think Big Lou is still awaiting his parts and a tracking number and I'm still waiting for a refund on my busted up headlights due to poor packageing or lack of for that matter.