emblem removal


2007 Mazdaspeed3
I searched the how to and didn't see a thread with the info I'm looking for.

How do I remove the front flying M and rear flying M emblems? I know they leave holes. I want to paint them and then put them back.

Any insight would be appreciated.
I used a flame thrower to warm up the adhesive and attached a 3inch thick chain to my cousins 2007 Chevy Tahoe to pull it off. It eventually comes off but not without a lot of pulling. I also had to strap the ass end of my car to a huge federal building for stability.

i've heard all the methods.

running floss behind them works only when they're new, or else it takes forever and leaves alot of it behind (bug & tar remover, ftw)

ive also heard to use a plastic knife, like the ones without too much serrated ones (the same ones that you get pissed at because they can't cut through your mashed potatoes without alot of effort), or something about wrapping a knife in painters tape or something.

being that your car is still somewhat new, usually you can get like one edge started and just pull, and it will usually leave alot of the gunk left, but that's not a huge problem to take care of.
I used 3m adhesive remover and let it soak for a few hours applying some more every once and awhile then just pried it off with my fingers
does anyone know how much it'd cost to get the two holes patched up on the hatch if you didnt want the mazda emblem? it would look really good..
the front m is all clips b-careful there very sensitive if u breck n-e of them just use 3m doubel sided tape and tape it up

the back i used a fishing line and go side to side in betuing the emblom and the car and that takes carer do the back and the mazdaspeed 3 embloms

yea thats how i got mys of so i can paint them black
Swamp, look under the hood where the emblem is. You are going to have to be careful, but push the four tabs inward without breaking them, then the emblem just comes out. I broke two before I got the picture.
my friend uses a blowdryer to soften the glue and uses either floss or just pries it off

I used a blowdryer, some goo-gone and some lightweight fishing wire. I tried dental floss and it kept breaking. NOTE: if you use fishing line, use gloves!! I cut my thumb up using the fishing line to pry off the emblem.

alright.. i'll post my s*** =]
sorry but this is the only picture i have on my computer right now... just ignore me. lolz