Dead Pope

i'm not as upset as i may sound, its just people in this day and age are just becoming so soul less and disrespectful and it's just really annoying.
bigbillsfan said:
so his views on a few subjects which he never originated but was obligated buy his position to oppose should negate all of the positive things that he did through out his life? do you have any idea of what this man accomplished WITH his life? of course not, you like to point out things that you disagree with, that make you feel you have licsense
to belittle a man that has affected so many lives in a positive way. people these days are more about being politically correct and less about being morally correct.

The papacy is now currently seeking a new pope, and someone older. Why - because they were stuck with the recently deceased pope for well over 20 years. The pope is a figurehead like any other, it's the organization behind the figurehead that ultimately influences. Many people have done great things - it's part of life. Are some better than others... arguably so - but it's simply a matter of opinion. I'm not saying that the pope was evil and never did any good - I'm simply saying that he was an imperfect man brought into this world and ultimately taken from it like any other.

You wanna revere someone, READ the bible and see what Jesus did. Check the stories of the people in his direct bloodline such as David, sinning was a part of life for everyone but Jesus. A perfect life was lost with Adam, and a perfect life was repaid through Jesus sacrifice. (you can get an idea of this from the many films made based on it, though I recommend avoiding Mel Gibson's since it's primarily a snuff film - I would have liked it better if they showed more of Jesus' preaching and parables that are well documented in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)

Christ - I don't even believe in this crap and yet I can still spew it. lol
i know he wasn't someone to be worshipped you moron, what i am trying say here is what sense of impowerment are you fulfilling here buy making fun of someone that never harmed you on the final day of his life you jugdemental idiot.
bigbillsfan said:
i'm not as upset as i may sound, its just people in this day and age are just becoming so soul less and disrespectful and it's just really annoying.

What I find annoying is the blind faith most have. Many people claim to be religious but can't be bothered to sit down and read the bible page-to-page, cover-to-cover even once in their lives. Furthermore, that a priest would allow his parishoners to only listen to what he tells them and not himself implore them to at least crack the book open and really read it.... yeah, I've got issues with that.

Many books have been written based on the bible, i put very little stock in those. The bible is the worlds oldest living book. You can argue that it's been changed, but if you do the history work, you can find out that there are concordances available which show you the Hebrew/Greek/Aramaic texts in a direct word for word translation which can be verified with a bit of page turning and some research.

Was I forced to do this... most definitely, but I did learn to appreciate why it is so important if one wishes to have faith.
Micah said:
The papacy is now currently seeking a new pope, and someone older. Why - because they were stuck with the recently deceased pope for well over 20 years. The pope is a figurehead like any other, it's the organization behind the figurehead that ultimately influences. Many people have done great things - it's part of life. Are some better than others... arguably so - but it's simply a matter of opinion. I'm not saying that the pope was evil and never did any good - I'm simply saying that he was an imperfect man brought into this world and ultimately taken from it like any other.

You wanna revere someone, READ the bible and see what Jesus did. Check the stories of the people in his direct bloodline such as David, sinning was a part of life for everyone but Jesus. A perfect life was lost with Adam, and a perfect life was repaid through Jesus sacrifice. (you can get an idea of this from the many films made based on it, though I recommend avoiding Mel Gibson's since it's primarily a snuff film - I would have liked it better if they showed more of Jesus' preaching and parables that are well documented in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)

Christ - I don't even believe in this crap and yet I can still spew it. lol

Adam was perfect it was eve who ****** up..........God gave man free will. Man chose to eat the apple.... Besides nobody is perfect........
bigbillsfan said:
i know he wasn't someone to be worshipped you moron, what i am trying say here is what sense of impowerment are you fulfilling here buy making fun of someone that never harmed you on the final day of his life you jugdemental idiot.

"Ours is not to judge"

I'm not judging him, I'm merely saying that he was a normal man who chose to live what he believed, however - I do not believe that absolves him. Sense of empowerment??? nope - none here. I'm at work, and I'm cruising the forum. This is something to keep me entertained, stimulated, etc.

You're helping a great deal - thanks!
well everyone is entitled to their own opinions..especially on a subject so broad as religion. me on the other hand, believes in God b/c alot has happened/been shown to me to me that has forced me believe and have faith in Him. i dont judge people by what they believe or what they dont believe because ultimately, religion is something that no one can ever agree politics
Micah, you need to get over yourself dude.

Why is the world mourning his passing? Because he was a great man. Great men deserve respect.

As far as this thread is concerned... I agree with the guy who basically posted a big empty box of nothing. Regardless of your religious viewpoints, disrespecting one of the greatest leaders our generation has ever seen is simply out of line.

oh and, for the record, I'm an agnostic that believe in science and logic. I also believe in respecting "good people".
Glowspeedp5 said:
Adam was perfect it was eve who ****** up..........God gave man free will. Man chose to eat the apple.... Besides nobody is perfect........

Interestingly enough - in Genesis the first thing Adam does when confronted by god about eating from the tree of knowledge is shift the blame to Eve. "It was this woman you gave me" - or something to that effect depending on the translation of the bible you are reading.

John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that everyone believing into Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Jesus purpose on this earth was to erase the sins of man. He knew of this, in the bible:

Luke 22:39-46 Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. 40 On reaching the place, he said to them, Pray that you will not fall into temptation. 41 He withdrew about a stones throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 42 Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done. 43 An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. 44 And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. 45 When he rose from prayer and went back to the disciples, he found them asleep, exhausted from sorrow. 46 Why are you sleeping? he asked them. Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.

Jesus went away from his apostles and prayed to God in private, asking for the strength to endure what he knew his fate would be. The entire point of Jesus erasing Adam's sin was that Jesus came down and lived as a man, with all the weaknesses inherent of being made flesh. Jesus lived, Jesus loved, Jesus laughed, and Jesus cried. If god had dispatched Jesus as anything other than a perfect man, the debt could not have been properly repaid.
glad to see how highly you regard yourself, you have made it very clear what kind of person you are and how you will probably not be missed or mourned when you finally die.
CHICO2003 said:
Micah, you need to get over yourself dude.

Why is the world mourning his passing? Because he was a great man. Great men deserve respect.

As far as this thread is concerned... I agree with the guy who basically posted a big empty box of nothing. Regardless of your religious viewpoints, disrespecting one of the greatest leaders our generation has ever seen is simply out of line.

oh and, for the record, I'm an agnostic that believe in science and logic. I also believe in respecting "good people".

A word commonly used to describe me is "evil". Just inherent nature I suppose. lol

and yes, I do start threads like this because I like what follows. A chance to see where people stand on certain issues. I push buttons - I then evaluate results. If you want to try to take the wind out of my sails - no response is honestly the only thing likely to work. Or, out reason me and beat me at my own game. It has been done before.
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I was trying to resist adding to this post, but alas after reading most of the posts I had to add my 0.02. First, let me say that I am agnostic although I was raised in a missionary Christian household until I was in my teens. The majority of my family then converted to Seventh Day Adventists, while my younger brother has gone on to become a Mormon. I have done my fair share of reading the Bible and witnessing...often with my heart not truly in it. Especially, when I went on to university I really began to question organized religion. Things just didn't seem to add up for me. Organized religion serves an important purpose in our society....just not for me at the present.

Anyway, let me be the first to say that it is unfortunate that the Pope has died. For himself and for others. Death is not something that most of us look forward to and for him to pass after a period of suffering is saddening. Also, for all of the good things that he has done or been involved with, his death is unfortunate. His actions have moved multitudes to behave in ways that have made our existence on this planet a better place. He has caused many a person to look inside themself to find that "better person" that only he new that they could be.

However, it is important, as Micah points out, that not everything he did was wonderful. Nor was everything he supported or purported good or true, in meaning or in spirit. As are many religions, Catholicism has been prone to espousing backwards, antiquated, and just downright wrong ideals and mores. This has been in the face of many scandals within the upper ranks of the RC church. "Do as I say and not as I do," indeed.

Does any of this negate the good that he has been a part of throughout his tenure as the Pontiff? No, it does not. But it is important to recognize that there are two sides to every coin.

(putting on flame-retardant suit now)
look at this, even in this thread mitch gets no respect.

this is horseshit, im starting a special thread for him
LOL here's the deal. While I don't particularly like people like yourself (people who like to push buttons), I don't dislike them either. Afterall, they keep things interesting, if nothing else. But just like telling a joke without the punchline... you've F'ed it up by having an ego about it. A) you don't deserve to have one because what you feel you're so good at really isn't that hard or impressive and B) it's just lame!

that being said, while I might not dislike those who like to push buttons, the same can't be said for lame ass, douche bags like yourself. : )

so yeah... be full of yourself all you like. think of yourself as the most clever guy around if that makes you feel good. but in the end, self-described "evil assholes" generally don't live the most fulfilling lives. Often, guys like yourself end up becoming this way simply as a defense mechanism. perhaps you were hurt in the past. maybe you don't want people to get close to you because you feel as if that might lead to more pain. thus, you put up this macho, "I'm so smart, everyone else is stupid" front to protect yourself.

I'm not saying this is you... but if this describes who you REALLY are. rather than trying to duke it out with me in a battle of wits with yet another stupid/lame response, get some help and let us know how it all works out.
CHICO2003 said:
LOL here's the deal. While I don't particularly like people like yourself (people who like to push buttons), I don't dislike them either. Afterall, they keep things interesting, if nothing else. But just like telling a joke without the punchline... you've F'ed it up by having an ego about it. A) you don't deserve to have one because what you feel you're so good at really isn't that hard or impressive and B) it's just lame!

that being said, while I might not dislike those who like to push buttons, the same can't be said for lame ass, douche bags like yourself. : )

so yeah... be full of yourself all you like. think of yourself as the most clever guy around if that makes you feel good. but in the end, self-described "evil assholes" generally don't live the most fulfilling lives. Often, guys like yourself end up becoming this way simply as a defense mechanism. perhaps you were hurt in the past. maybe you don't want people to get close to you because you feel as if that might lead to more pain. thus, you put up this macho, "I'm so smart, everyone else is stupid" front to protect yourself.

I'm not saying this is you... but if this describes who you REALLY are. rather than trying to duke it out with me in a battle of wits with yet another stupid/lame response, get some help and let us know how it all works out.

As those who know me on this forum will tell you - you have clearly hit the nail square on the head.

Just playing. hehehh - nice response though. I do have fun ******* with people at random, though I am always quick to explain my postion and views if requested/expected. I will make a comment which I know is considered inflamatory to some, but then really - everyone does at one point or another.

I gotta say I really like my life. I certainly work too much, but I still manage to get out - have a life, have fun - do stuff that makes me smile, etc. I'm friends with most of the girls I have dated in my past - heck, my last exgf and I still pretty much talk daily and hang out as distance/work schedules permit. I keep a livejournal which is extremely open and pretty much details most of what I do. I have alot of close friends who are truly incredible. I have an incredibly beautiful girl I am sleeping with .... lots of toys and other things that make me smile. I'm not the type who feels the need to go out every night, nor am I the type to stay in all the time either. I just kinda go with the flow - answer the phone when it rings... don't really plan ahead too often. Avoid stress and drama as best I can, and confront it as honestly and resolutely as I can when it seems right.

I rarely exhibit regret, nor do I choose to focus on such things as the past cannot be changed. Don't mistake this for a nihilistic attitude though, as nothing could be further from the way I feel.

Am I always upbeat though, of course not. I have bad days just like anyone else, or maybe even differint than everyone else. That stuff is highly subjective and hard to argue other than to consider broad demographical studies which are still not all inclusive due to many other factors.

Still though, your comment was one of the better ones found in the thread thus far, which is pretty kewl. (and also depending on each users view - might not account for much given the content and my own rantings ... lol)
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