Damn It's Hot!


2008 CX-9
I bet CX9 SportOwner can top this!

At least its dry heat. Here in florida its 95+ but your basically swimming.

Yep--humidity was about 15% today. My office is cooled via swamp cooler, and it just barely kept it comfortable today. Thank God I come home to refrigerated air (central air to you unknowing folks).
That's a misconception. Here in the desert of Arizona the hottest months are accompanied by the monsoon, which makes it much more humid than the normal.
Not 95%, but try even 25% to 40% when the temp is 115 to 120. Ick.
thats still different compared to florida... or southern china for that matter, where at least 80% is normal

40% humidity is DRY!!!!

frying heat is not the same as melting heat
hell yeah 40 percent humidity in NJ anytime of the year is super dry. Right now the sun is shining, blue skies and the humidity level is 83 percent. Makes the 61 degrees feel like 85 degrees. Give me 40 percent and I would deal with any heat thrown at me. Oh in NJ and I know in Florida too, we do get days 100+ with humidity in the 90%s which is bad bad bad.
I hate humidity also, but on the other hand I hate the heat too. I am an Alaskan type. Worst time for me was in the desert supporting Iraqi freedom. Humidity was super low like 25%, but the 135 degree temps got to me.
Try 107 in Knoxville. Humidity, and crazy high temps!

I grew up in Florida, and I say it's much worse here in TN when it get's hot. This summer has been fairly mild for us though, so that's good. Haven't been near and above 100 as much as years past
LOL.. Wondering when you were gonna chime in Sporty. Actually, I moved the temp sensor on my MS3 to the location where my CAI picks up the air. This way, I have an idea of what my inlet temp is at the filter.