CX-5 to be 86ed for CX-40?!


Saw CarGuide - Ottleys mc of article - he says the name CX5 is dead in 2026 ---posted here below on u tube 2/22.25 - he " BETS " it will not only look far different but will be called the CX-40 - holy s-it -

Any model has a "4" in its name will not sell in Asia.
You go to Asia, there is no 4th floor.
Especially in hospitals. Good luck finding that floor.
"4 = die, close pronunciation"
BMW 4 series is not selling well either in Asia.
Alfa Romeo had a "164" once. (=die all the way)
Few people wanted it.

40 = die you !!
Good luck selling that in Asia.
I double Mazda (being a Japanese company) is that dumb.
We will see if Mr. Bhindi was right.
I was thinking something like this might happen initially but then I started to lean towards the CX-5 continuing theory…Wow…Quite a shock now to think the CX-5 might be no more…😯
I asked Gemini to generate an image of what a CX-5 successor might look like and after some back and forth it generated this…
