Current Engine bay pics everyone

ready for the parts to come back from coating so i can reassemble my engine bay..

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Major clusterfuck right now, plus its a really crappy cell phone pic.

My plan is that maybe when I put in the 505zoom IM I might possibly try to clean that mess up. On the other hand it looks much better with the hood closed.
LOL in the last two posts only one of the three items mentioned (505zoom IM) is matched by the awesomeness of what was not mentioned (MAM exhaust manifold).
Wiring still needs organization temporarily before we tuck it all, and the intake is not on..I will post on this weekend after I get the last couple things on and the wiring organized..but the engine bay looks very empty in comparison to stock..


My brother's stock '96 PGT (lol):
Yeah, I know. But I'm still jelly. I just hate wiring so I'll keep the disty.
Ehh..whatever suits your needs. I took some more pics of the bay this weekend once I put some more stuff back on..I will try to get those up tonight.
what kind of CoP setup would you do for the back bank? Without an aftermarket intake manifold I dont see a great option... that will atleast stay secure