Convertiable tops headliner question?


Mazda, Protege 5
I recently bought a "new" Miata and I am beginning to looking into fixing certain parts. The one that I want to address is the top. I have seen some headliner kits online. But what exactly do these do?
Do these headliner kits take the old fabric off the frame and you install new material so it won't leak or something? Has anyone else gotten one of these kits before?
Looks like they just cover the inside of the top. Haven't seen one in person. I'd imagine it would be like extra insulation, so a little quieter, a little less heat escape in the winter. I don't think it's worth the money... I'd rather spend that on suspension stuff!
lagunamiata said:
Looks like they just cover the inside of the top. Haven't seen one in person. I'd imagine it would be like extra insulation, so a little quieter, a little less heat escape in the winter. I don't think it's worth the money... I'd rather spend that on suspension stuff!

ditto. Only insert "engine stuff"...:D

At least on the 99-previous models, I know there isn't any interior material to remove, and I have always found that the cockpit of a miata is so small that heat entering or escaping has never been a problem that the a/c / heater system could not keep up with. :)
ditto that. the rare time I have the top up, climate control is never an issue.

It may help a little with the wind noise, but 'eh. not an issue with me...

You mentioned leak. is your current top leaking?