CiviCity Student Budget Build

You have to depress a small metal piece first. If you look under the handle you will see a little slot for a flathead. Put it in there and push up, then pull the handle out.

first time i did mine i did that, ive removed the door panels so much now i can do them with a twist and pull with no need for a screw driver.
Could anyone tell me how to remove this trim piece? I cant figure it out lol

the material is glued to a plastic board which is screwed to the dash with 13 tiny little screws behind the plastic, you need to remove the air bag the glove box, all the glove box trim as well as a few other small things. Once that done you can see half of the screws needed and you will be able to feel the other half with your fingers. Yea it took me half a day to remove mine when i recovered mine in suede and it will take me a long time to ever do it again.

or you can just rip the material off and hope and pray that you can glue it back on properly after..
So were you able to get it out or not? I tried and it came out on the first try. I did struggle with the twist and pull but they came out in one piece.
Quick update! Had a few hours on my hands today so I decided to get some hardwood flooring done. Lt me know what you think :p






Haha thanks! Cost me 18$ for 30 square feet of wood. The trunk needed approximately 19 square feet but it comes in boxes lol.

Edit: I also took the cheapest option available cause it was the lightest one. Didn't want to add weight to the car.
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Little bump. Getting my header and catback installed tomorrow. I cant wait haha, kinda scared that itll be a tad too loud but whatever.
Also will be doing lots of plastidip and wrapping on the car in the upcoming week.

Stay tuned guys :D
Awesome! Be sure to post a sound clip. I already have a header just waiting to put it on until I get my exhaust. Thats the next mod for me.
Just got back from the garage. Oh em gee! Haha that thing sounds freaking awesome. The sound inside the car on idle is very tolerable. Its a tad louder than oem. On the outside, u can clearly hear it 2-3 meters away. When driving on the second gear, around 3000 rpms, it gets loud to where you wont be able to have a convo with someone. From the outside, it has that super sweet "growl" to it and a mini drone. You could hear it atleast 20-30meters away.
Getting on highway speeds, running 3 or 4th gear, around 110km/h, its pretty loud inside of the car but not too bad. I got no idea on how it sounds on the outside.
For the back bumper, holy s*** its vibrating like a mad dildo. No jokes. The rattling could get pretty loud and annoying. Gotta figure out something to fix this. Help please lol.

Heres a few pics. Ill get more later, with a video or two.






Sweettt! That header looks really good, what header and exhaust is that? The droning may get annoying on long trips for some but really depends on the person.

Your exhaust is probably too close to the bumper, there should be a rubber you can adjust but the shop is suppose to adjust that for you when they put it on.

Get some sound clips please!