Car For Sale

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Well the car sold Friday!! So the new owner will be posting on the forum soon. Thanks again for all the good feedback.
I sold it for 13,000. I was offered 13,250, but i took 250 off cuz i had a intermittent wheel speed sensor code that would set the ABS light. SO i didnt want him to drive home and see a light and freak out.
HeHateMe said:
I sold it for 13,000. I was offered 13,250, but i took 250 off cuz i had a intermittent wheel speed sensor code that would set the ABS light. SO i didnt want him to drive home and see a light and freak out.

hey gotta do what ya gotta do man...never thought of selling the parts piece by piece to gain a little extra money? I know i stripped my car bare and selling it stock, just made a few extra pennies to cover my ass when i take a hit for the cost of me low balling myself to sell the car
Finally, my account was just activated! I bought HeHateMe's car and I must say, it's a pretty sweet ride. Y'all missed out!!
ShaneG said:
Finally, my account was just activated! I bought HeHateMe's car and I must say, it's a pretty sweet ride. Y'all missed out!!

Yay! Congrats and welcome to the forums!

The car looked sweet, but two of my best friends just bought lazer blue proteges so it would have been weird if I did too haha. I'll still to my silver for now.
Good to hear you got access finally! Hope that its still running good. I picked up a 2002 XLT Expedition at a auction that i'm selling now. I just got another call on the msp today. Thats over 5 since it sold.
Any amazingly good offers that made you wish you'd waited? :D

The car runs and looks great. The ABS light still comes on sometimes even after I cleaned both rear sensors, but I'll just have the dealer take a look when I have the oil changed tomorrow.

You should see all the punks around here in their tinny sounding Hondas and Cavaliers turn to stare when I'm driving around or even parked. The IC and turkey particularly scare the hell out of 'em. The other day there were these two kids driving like retards and when I rolled up they suddenly reminded me of my grandmother behind the wheel. The pre-emptive kill is the best kind of kill :)
Glad to hear you're happy with your new car. I was one of the few who saw it and heard it in person and must say that it was worth every penny. Take care of it and have fun and welcome to the forums!

ShaneG said:
Any amazingly good offers that made you wish you'd waited? :D

The car runs and looks great. The ABS light still comes on sometimes even after I cleaned both rear sensors, but I'll just have the dealer take a look when I have the oil changed tomorrow.

You should see all the punks around here in their tinny sounding Hondas and Cavaliers turn to stare when I'm driving around or even parked. The IC and turkey particularly scare the hell out of 'em. The other day there were these two kids driving like retards and when I rolled up they suddenly reminded me of my grandmother behind the wheel. The pre-emptive kill is the best kind of kill :)
Just like I said. The car rarely sells to people that say they are going to buy it soon. Something in their lives just doesn't let it happen. It's usually a lack of money. It always goes to someone who has the cash on hand at that moment or at least only one or two paychecks away. Poor shmucks like us don't ever have enough money to buy what we want.
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