buying a new car. Opinions?

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hey guys I've decided its time for a new car. Im stuck between sti and a 350z i like the z cause my bud has one and he gets all the attention in the world (i know its immature) but i've seen some girls do crazy stuff over a z. But i like the sti cause i wont have to buy a daily driver for the winters here in utah. What do u guys think? any previous sti owners with some input on how females react to the car =P. i know the z is a blast to drive and would make decent power with i/e and a 75 shot. i know the sti would be down right dominant stage 2. So anywho whata u guys think? after driving the subtle ms3 around for a year and a half i want something more attention grabbing.
you could save your money by not buying the car and just pay for prostitutes. That way you don't look like a tool and you get laid, which seems to be your primary intent.
do what i do and pull up next to the guy with a z, smile at his girl and pwn him when he tries to race. girls will laugh when he gets walked by a "station wagon"

or do what familia said. either way works really
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girls don't care about cars.

how big is your ................wallet?

Something MORE attention grabbing? You're stupid. If you want a new car for something faster and dynamically better, neither of those cars are it. An STI is quicker off the line and has a bit more potential but we can still run with them. 350z has about 0 practicality and would make a bad daily. Keep your MS3.
and honestly, if she wants you for your car... that must reflect pretty poorly on your own personal value. I say spend the money on a life coach to amp up your self esteem, or spend it on higher education so that you can contribute to society. You'll get a lot further in this world than with a Z... figuratively speaking of course.
so what does it mean if my friends tell me that the kind of guy they see me dating would be driving a pick up truck?


Buy whatever you want, it's your money :)

Seriously, a choice in cars is very personal. I love my ms3, but I really want a lotus evora. Performance of the lotus isn't THAT much better than the speed3, but man is it a beautiful piece of work!
The mind numbing hum of the nissan 350z V6 was enough for me to walk away. Looks and RWD are about all that car has going for it. That is unless you drop 5K + for a turbo setup.

Your not really establishing "why" you wan't a new car. You are bored of the speed 3 so you want something new ?? You mentioned speed, practicality, and looks. You can really only have 2 of those 3. STI is undoubtedly the fastest of the 3. Most potential by far as well. AWD is a plus but it is a "racing" car which means a rough ride and a plain interior.

Well this IS a mazda forum so I have to mention . . . how about a speed 6? Not the fastest thing but is has AWD, fun, looks good, comfortable, decent modiblity.
Hahaha wow!! Someone needs to see the british commercial about cars and small ones!! So great!!

Anyways yeah. This is pretty much the mindset of every d-bag I have ever known. sure go ahead get a flashy car and a hot chick. sleep around then wonder why your life sucks worse than the current ***** in your bed....

or as Wagon said take that money and do something worthwile and meaningful with it.

Just my $.02 and either way the gene pool wins.
hey guys I've decided its time for a new car. Im stuck between sti and a 350z i like the z cause my bud has one and he gets all the attention in the world (i know its immature) but i've seen some girls do crazy stuff over a z. But i like the sti cause i wont have to buy a daily driver for the winters here in utah. What do u guys think? any previous sti owners with some input on how females react to the car =P. i know the z is a blast to drive and would make decent power with i/e and a 75 shot. i know the sti would be down right dominant stage 2. So anywho whata u guys think? after driving the subtle ms3 around for a year and a half i want something more attention grabbing.

Buy 2 bumper stickers....
"Willing to pay for good love"
"I hate cops"

You will have all the attention your epic-bad self needs.
This thread is awesome!

I always get a chuckle from Kain's words of wisdom.
Please. Word around town is your only requirement in a man is the ability to fog a mirror.

in software terms, thats the Recommended

her Minimum Requirements is warm blooded with at least one long appendage.
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