buddy club condser


2005 Mazda 3 SP23 Sedan
hey could use a little input for the buddy club condenser or (bc condenser) so hooked it up and stays light up, is that normal? and would that drain my battery

ya, well it just stays light which im starting to think it is meant to... im just worried the battery would drain...
Got the email back from tom at Buddy Club and said that is always on after hooked up and that draws less than a car alarm so it will not drain the battery
I would say the buddy club condser has an led bulb and they use very little if any power. Heck you can power one off a 9 volt battery. Now the OBDII bluetooth scanner if different. It takes lot more power to run a bluetooth transmitter, thus why a lot of smart phones have battery issues and have to turn it off.
but in saying that, our OBD ports are only powered when the car is in the on position with the key turned. I had a bluetooth OBD transmitter for my old tablet datalogger, And i left it plugged in 24/7