
I had something like this happen before with a guy I send money to to buy his parts "for sale". I ending up losing 300.00 and change because I wasn't able to track him down and neither was the authorities. I only had so much info on the guy that I turned over to the cops. In this case now, I was smarter and saved all my messages and responses to Craig. Plus I have him e-mail addresses, phone number. I can get his mailing address as well. So I should be able to be a little more successful this time around.
Matthew said:
I was not able to do anything, do a search for 2Loww. I tried the FBI, local authorities, and even contacting his local newspaper. I personally felt responsible becuase I organized the group buy but couldn't do anything about it.

So you had to bite the bullet and accept the fact you weren't getting your money back? Its starting to look like that in my case as well. If I do just stop searching for him, this will be the 4th time Ive lost money/items. Like mentioned in the post above this one, I lost 300.00 in that instance. Im about to lose 150.00 here, I had my CD player and RF amp stolen out of my car as well as my 18 wheels and tires stolen off my car. So needless to say, 2006 hasn't been to good for me......(pissed)
Ive decided to call off the hunt. Im going to accept the fact I lost 150.00 and move on. The authorities have gotten nowhere with the case and I can't continue to sit around and wait for Craig to decide when/if to send my lip. Thanks to everyone who tried to help. Its appreciated.
Reviving this OLD thread, but can't believe I never updated this. I finally managed to get a hold of Craig and got this situation resolved. I got the lip I paid for and because of all the hassle and how everything went down, I got another lip out of it to do as I please. So Lord Zath and Antoine, if you could, please remove the potential scammer tag from his handle? Assuming of course he got the other problems, resolved. Thanks!
Thanks Steve. All the issues with turtle should have been resolved also. Sorry for the issues and letting the community down as a whole. It wont ever happen again folks. :D
Glad to hear everything's fixed. I'm not sure if I have the ability to remove a potential scammer tag. I'll look into it though!