Back from the NEDiv Solo2 championships...


I sure learned a lot, the competition at an event like this is nothing like what we have at a regional event, I drove very bad on the first day, probably a combination of nerves and inexperience, but with the help of Dale and Stephen I drove much better Sunday, I was able to stay within 1/2 a second of all but one well driven little CRX.

Here are some vids, first one is from the first day, and is a clear indication of how bad I drove, this is actually my fastest run of the day, but I hit the first slalom cone off the start. If I didn't hit that cone I would have been much closer to my competition (within a second) despite how bad the rest of the run was.

5.0mb WMV, right click and save as

And now for something completely different, I borrowed Stephen's external camera because he told me I was too far from the cones and missing my apex on my turns. During the fun runs on saturday I tried to work on that. On Sunday I borrowed the camera to see how I look, as you can see in this vid my slaloms look pretty good, but I'm still too far away on the turns. I blew this one up to 640x480 so it's pretty big (10mb wmv)

right click, save as
sounds like you had fun. i haven't been to a natioanls event yet...waiting until i'm a bit better. i know a few Philly region people went and did well...they even managed to break one guy's 911 twin turbo and fix it again.

good job! :)