Aug. 9th Autocross at Belle Isle


91 Rx7
Just a heads up, there is another event at Belle Isle next sunday. I know I personally liked the organization of this event more then the state one, especially for first timers. They allowed you to hot lap and "race" at your own pace unlike the MSU one which was toooo much stop and go...

I know the MSU one is the same weekend but I thought I would throw this one out there as well!!! Hope to see you all there!
Truly... I dont know. The MSU one is only 20 min from my house but there are already 68 cars registered. If it is set up the same way as last time that will be allot of sitting between runs and that just doesnt sound fun to me. BUUUUTTT Belle Isle is over 1.5 hrs drive from my house so IDK. My GF is also bitching at me about it haha so I dont know yet.
either one will be around an hour for me, even though i will most likely just come to watch again
Just a heads up, this upcoming Lansing race is put on by and is not the same group that hosted the last one. Furrin races tend to be a bit more fun, have longer courses (rules might not be followed as tightly as the SCCA event, so we can use two lots combined), and be geared more toward fun than all out competition. I'm sure it will be a very nice event...
Got a link for this one? (Belle Isle) I think I'd actually like to get out there and run it this time. Gotta figure out what class too.
Awesome, thanks! By the way, I still haven't gone through all the pics yet. They're all on the computer now it's just a matter of finding the good ones now. Hopefully I can get to them this weekend and post them up for you.
Right now I'm leaning twords the event on saturday because I know I'm not working then. Sunday is a toss up since I don't get my work schedule till the Friday before.