ATT new digital nationwide network


CX9, CX5, i8
anyone else upgrade their ATT cell phones to this plan? my wife and i did and we should be getting our new free phones monday...i liked the unlimited roaming and i had to stick with ATT so it seemed pretty good...but mainly i want to know if the reception is better..
I work for them here in NJ. The reception is getting better but they are slowly making the change into Cingular. Instead of the old maps wheres there roaming colors meaning Cingular, theres all one color to make it seem like theres more coverage but really not. But when the merger is final, they will be the best company for recepetion and customer base in numbers.:cool:
awesome, when do you think that will be? i move to sierra vista, AZ in july can you find out when they will make that a coverage area?
IMHO. The merger will be finalized latest first quarter of 04 (between jan-mar). Im not sticking around for that long because the thought of losing my job doesnt sound well, and got an offer to go back to my old wireless company for more$$. As far as coverage goes where your at, I honestly dont know matthew, but try to stick it out(thumb) .
