AT light on...Uh oh tranny is slippin

Protege' 5
So for the first time last friday, my car sorta bogged down and seemed to slip into neutral or so while cruising on highway speeds. It happened again later that day while from a stop (it rev'ed but stood neutral for a moment). This morning, I now know for sure I have an issue of some kind. I merged onto the highway and the car did not want to hit the 4th gear on its automatic transmission as i was accelerating in 'D'. I ended up heading into the breakdown lane where I put that car in 'sport shift' and had the same occurance. It moved on 1st,2nd, & 3rd, but 'slipped' or went into neutral when I tried for the 4th gear.

I made it to class, but I am now worried. My car is an '03 protege 5 with barely 85,000 miles on it. I've babied my tranny ever since i had it replaced over a year ago when I had my first accident (the whole front end had to be replaced, which on initial impact collided into the transmission & damaged it as well). (hand)

Anyone ever hear of this issue?