Anyone hear from Azian6er?

2006 Evo MR
Has anyone heard from Azian6er lately? I purchased his Haltech E6X and other goodies for $1150.00 around late Nov. to early December. I haven't recieved any of it yet and I haven't heard from him in a while. I don't want to turn it over to my credit card company so can anyone give me some info? I just want him to drop me a line and let me know what's up. I have pm'd him quite a few times and didn't get an answer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Yo..don't worry about it man. I bought his Sparco harnesses and it took like a month and a half to get to my place. Just shoot him Pm's. I think he's a busy college student as well.
He just requested to be my friend on (yeah..i dunno if you guys know what that is)

but, he is around...but prob busy with school...i think he was outta town over christmas break too
Dreeza said:
He just requested to be my friend on (yeah..i dunno if you guys know what that is)

but, he is around...but prob busy with school...i think he was outta town over christmas break too

No excuse if you are going to take $1150 or more from someone and make them ******* wait! What a ******* ass hole!(chair)
Yeah Facebook! I hated it when it first came around, was only for Ivy its ok in my books.
im here everyone, sorry for the delay on the haltech. You are not the only one either. I still owe a turbo kit worth 2900 to viral override in Canada. I apologize that i havent had as much time lately as had used to, this new semester is kicking my ass already. Im taking 17 credits to finish up my senior year hear at the University of Michigan (top 5 public university aka hard as s***).

Needless to say my busy schedule does not merit the time that I have dillydallied with your shipment. I apologize for not getting in contact with you sooner, I just have really been enveloped with the holidays, law school applications, new semester etc..

Also, there was a big problem with sourcing out the correct thread sensor bung for the kit that I had trouble finding and still havent been able to find. I pmmed you back about the sensor and how your friend could potentially get one but i dont thin you wrote back...

Anyways, long story short, I will just ship it out so i can calm this fuss. I know what it is like to be dicked on parts, and it was never my intention to stiffarm you or give you the run around. I respect all members here and I can assure you this will be cleared up immediately.

And to viral override, the same goes for you as well.

Sorry for all the delays, and yes i have acted like a douche bag. Accept this admittance as my public shaming.... :(

Bryan called and all is good. Got the Haltech the other day. Bryan has been really cool about everything with the exception of not replying to the pms for a while. He called me after he read this thread and gave me all the information I needed. Everything has worked out. Now I just have to get my clutch, wideband O2, and a few other minor things, before I get the turbo kit.
glad everything worked out. woulda hated to have seen another "ripped of by xxxx" thread.

i knew bryan would come through. i bought some parts from him late last year and they arrived promptly.

I've always thought he was a stand up guy in here, so when you didnt get your stuff I figured he just didnt get around to it yet. I know what it's like to have a sorry ass schedule between work and home. I plan on installing parts one weekend and end up doing it about a month or two later! I'm glad you guys worked everything out cause I'd be sweatin' bullets with that kind of loot too. lol But he's always been a stand up guy. :)