Alright, back seat question...


2002 Protege5
I've searched for a while now and can't find what I'm looking for. Does anyone know how the bottom of the back seat is mounted to the car? I just got the 2003 MSP seats from a friend for my 2002 P5, fronts went in smooth, but the bottom of the back seat looks like it just sits there. Theres no frame, it's all foam, and 4 hooks that nothing on the top of the back seat hook to... Any help please... Thanks!!!
You just pull the seat directly up and on the bottom of the seat, youll see two hooks on each side near the front. These hooks atttach to the car... To install the seat, push the back in first and then push down on the front and you'll hear it pop in.
How? I know how the bottom of my seats are mounted, but I don't see how the MSP seats are going to mount to my car. Let me get some pics...
OH... I just skimmed your post and completely missed the P5 part. Lemme see some pics when ya get em. I think I've read here that the sedan's rear seats will not work in the P5.
I will make them work :p

Heres a pic of my back seat now. The bottom of the seat closest to the camera has been removed. The one furthest from it it still connected to the mount bar thats attatched to the frame. You can kind of see the bar that connects the seat to that mount.


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Another pic

Yes, there is a mess in my car right now, I'm cleaning it before putting the back seats in...

Just another angle of the same as the last...


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Last pic

The bottom of the bottom of the back seat from the MSP...


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why not rig the connecting bars from the old p5 seats to the msp seat pads so that they snap right in.
Close up of the passanger side of the bottom of the bottom of the back seat from the MSP.


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Close up of the passanger side bottom of the bottom of the back seat from my P5. You can see the frame that runs through it that is connected on the right, top left, and bottom center.

Both of the last 2 pics were taken with the back of the seat closest to the camera.

Alan, I'm not duct taping my seats in. Is that what you used for your wolvie hair? :D


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Yeah, they are quite different. I do wanna know what the two black things are on the bottom of the seat. My rear seat doesn't have anything on the bottom, it's just foam.. *HRM*
man that looks completely different. good luck.

need some pics from a mazdaspeed for how it attaches
Alright, I kind of jammed it in there... It fits. Somewhat, 2 more pics. I'm going to go on a test drive right now to 7-11, get some good starts(the best a P5 can do), good stops, and good turns and see what happens. If it holds up good, I'm going to leave it in for tomorrow and see how it handles that.


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Here's a shot of the underneath while it's "jammed" in place. Tomorrow I'm going to take out those mounts that it's sitting on right now, and see if theres a better way to get it to sit down. Maybe duct tape...

EDIT: Mispelling my way threw(through) the futaar(future)...


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The rails that are on the bottom of the P5 seat are actually held to the seat by the seat cover. On the MSP the seat covers just clamp to the foam. I tried to do the same thing with an MP3 interior, but I didn't have a lot of time to mess with it and I couldn't just snap it in and be done with it so I forgot about it. With a little patience and probably a little shaping of the foam on the bottom of the MSP seat you should be able to make it sit in there.