1gen Mazda 3 headlight assembly options


chasing electrons ..
16' Mazda3, MSP
So recently my 05 Mazda 3 got into front driver collision and the headlight guts got all messed up and the passenger side cover is fading so I figured time to replace instead of repair. Was hoping to read reviews on others experience with aftermarket ones but not much luck except 1 or 2 ppl looking for halo headlight option which doesn't interest me much but the quality/price of headlight.

Any one that has had decent experience with aftermarket headlights available, like no leaking and fits in without modifications, would really appreciate it and save me some try and error deals.
Not from personal experience,
But other owners haven't found anything but OEM headlights to fit proper and have OEM quality. I'd look around used before I doing up for new ones.

If the headlight cover is hazed, 3M headlight restoration kits work wonders.
thnx for the suggestions Phil, so far I've found TYC brand which is oem supplier for light on some brands and models, my concern with used oem is the fading which i dont like but i'll try to restore the passenger side and make my mind on the matter ..