'03 Mazda Protege 5, 188K+ original miles, still runs strong, albeit poor hot idle at the moment of which I'm trying to get to the bottom of with the Launch scanner as my assistance.
It's on either its second (not as likely) or third timing belt, replaced that this July when the tensioner spring sproinged and caught in the exhaust valve pulley and it was getting close for another belt change so went ahead and did that and replaced the tensioner spring. The hot idle issue reared its head.
But I had some symptoms prior to, shuddering while on the highway over the 4th of July and extremely random shut downs, coast to a stop to make a turn say, or stopping for a light, a very random shut down, throw into neutral and boom, running and not do that for months, then out of the blue, dies at a light kind of thing.
But, no abnormal smoke that I can see but it runs along at 188K miles with a very rough idle once hot. That is my goal today, to try and trace why it's running rich (fuel trims indicate that and I get a P0172 code which popped up yesterday for the first time).
A new MAF has been installed as of Friday and that cleared the MAF codes 102/103, but 102 was back, pending as of late yesterday.
Good cars when all is well so am confident that once it's all sorted again, it'll keep going for many more miles.