WTB: Testpipe, Engine Mounts, Dashawk, Hypertech


There are a few things I'm looking for that I would like to pick up used on the cheap. I don't mean to lowball, but my general rule of thumb is to only pay 60% of retail for used parts.

I am looking for a testpipe to mate to OEM 65mm exhaust (preferably Corksport) that I can buy for around $80 shipped.
Also looking for side engine mounts (preferably a TRZ tranny mount) for 60% of retail. I'm willing to pay $75 shipped for a TRZ tranny mount

Dashhawk, looking for one in the $180 range
Hypertech, if someone has one to let go for $200 I'll take it.

Again, I don't mean to put up ridiculous low numbers, but if anyone is looking for a little extra cash and has these parts laying around, I'll take 'em for the prices listed. Mods, if I did this wrong, please let me know. Thanks!

Zip code is 44253, for shipping purposes.