where can I get rotors and pads?

mario8402 said:
I'm interested in the RED set for the front and the back. I live in Baton Rouge, Lousiana (cool)

If you want a full set then you can paypal to sales@nsnmotorsports.com for a total of 121 shipped for front and rear.

If you want just the fronts... paypal 68.50. If you want just the years paypal 59.50.

As soon as I receive the payment I notify my warehouse and they ship directly to me. I verify they send the correct parts and then ship to you and provide you with your fedEx tracking number.

If you have any questions just let me know!


NSN Motorsports, LLC
Payment sent
Now fax me those pads!! haha (lol2)
for real though.. how long do you think shipping will take?
Got the payment... WORST case on the pads is 10 days... usually closer to about 7... but sometimes the factory sucks on getting them to me. We are getting closer to keeping more of this stuff in stock... but it gets expensive having all those pads around!

Thanks much,

Doh! Just got the word from the factory.. the fronts they don't have stateside.. so they are shipping them in from England. He will give me a firm delivery date on Monday. Does that work for you Mario? or do you want to do something else on the order for now? Let me know so I can do what is best from your point of view... I'd guess it could add another week to the process which is pretty crappy...
TurfBurn said:
Doh! Just got the word from the factory.. the fronts they don't have stateside.. so they are shipping them in from England. He will give me a firm delivery date on Monday. Does that work for you Mario? or do you want to do something else on the order for now? Let me know so I can do what is best from your point of view... I'd guess it could add another week to the process which is pretty crappy...
No worries (shrug) .. I can wait, as long as they work.
Just let me know sometime next week when you expect to ship them (burnout)
mobomelter said:
so its 121 for green stuff pads for front and rear?

Greens would be slightly less... and they do have both of those pads in stock in the states for me from what he told me today.

Looks like greens would be 115 front and rear... I'm going to double check to make sure I didn't cross reference a wrong number.


mario8402 said:
No worries (shrug) .. I can wait, as long as they work.
Just let me know sometime next week when you expect to ship them (burnout)

Will do. Appreciate the patience as well, just wanted to make sure you could opt out right away if the wait was going to be too long for you. The good news is that they usually are good about keeping some on hand after I start ordering them from them... so in the future everyone else should benefit from your patience as well. I can't wait until we are big enough that I can keep this kind of stuff in stock.

Thanks again!

mario8402 said:
No worries (shrug) .. I can wait, as long as they work.
Just let me know sometime next week when you expect to ship them (burnout)

Congratulations man, you will be the first person in the World to run EBC Red's on all 4 corners of your Mazda 3. I talked with my rep today and EBC doesn't manufacture those pads in the red compound, but they are going to make a set per my request. First set they'll have ever made for that part number in that compound. Downside is they will land state side in about 2 weeks. I'll be happy to ship you the other half of your order beforehand if you want. I'll also see what I can sit down and come up with for additional compensation because the order is delayed over my original estimates.

Thanks and let me know if there is anything else you'd like me to do!


TurfBurn said:
Congratulations man, you will be the first person in the World to run EBC Red's on all 4 corners of your Mazda 3. I talked with my rep today and EBC doesn't manufacture those pads in the red compound, but they are going to make a set per my request. First set they'll have ever made for that part number in that compound. Downside is they will land state side in about 2 weeks. I'll be happy to ship you the other half of your order beforehand if you want. I'll also see what I can sit down and come up with for additional compensation because the order is delayed over my original estimates.

Thanks and let me know if there is anything else you'd like me to do!


Sounds like some damn good customer service to me!
TurfBurn said:
Congratulations man, you will be the first person in the World to run EBC Red's on all 4 corners of your Mazda 3. I talked with my rep today and EBC doesn't manufacture those pads in the red compound, but they are going to make a set per my request. First set they'll have ever made for that part number in that compound. Downside is they will land state side in about 2 weeks. I'll be happy to ship you the other half of your order beforehand if you want. I'll also see what I can sit down and come up with for additional compensation because the order is delayed over my original estimates.

Thanks and let me know if there is anything else you'd like me to do!



cool, do I get a ribbon for that or what? (cabpatch)

I will just go ahead and wait for both sets to come in, no need to ship just one out, I would like to both at the same time. What if they dont work since they are having to make them?? (huh)

compensation would be cool (sssh)
Can you get your hands on some KVR cross drilled rotors for my car?
their website is showing them for 157 for the front, I'm sure you can get a better deal than that (spin)

Thanks for the info Steve

tphskab-- customer service seems second to none!
mario8402 said:
cool, do I get a ribbon for that or what? (cabpatch)

I will just go ahead and wait for both sets to come in, no need to ship just one out, I would like to both at the same time. What if they dont work since they are having to make them?? (huh)

compensation would be cool (sssh)
Can you get your hands on some KVR cross drilled rotors for my car?
their website is showing them for 157 for the front, I'm sure you can get a better deal than that (spin)

Thanks for the info Steve

tphskab-- customer service seems second to none!

They will make them based off the mold they use for the Green's I'm assuming... they'll just do it with the ceramic compound. So they have the measurements they need to make the pad so I don't think there will be any fitment issues, so you should be good to go on that part of the deal.

I will have to see if I can get my hands on KVR stuff, but as of right now we aren't setup with anyone that can source them for me... we are factory direct with some companies, and warehouse based for others... I'm hoping to expand some of that stuff in the next few months as right now I can't get access to Greddy or HKS either and I really want those on the list... so I'll poke around, but as of right now I'm out of luck on those sources.


Talked to KVR... Looks like I can get setup yet today... The one issue though is that doing singular orders through the like I'd have to do could be a little harsh due to the import fees to get the parts here... I definitely could match their price without any issue because of the discount they apply, but the duties are unknown to me so I'd end up padding it a bit right now... but I'd guess somewhere in the 140-148 range initially. If we group buyed it with 3-5 people I should be able to get it down more to the 130's... but that's about the best I'd get. If I did their 1500 dollar buy in to become a wholesaler I'd be able to do better, but we can't afford that just yet.

So let me know what you think on that overall and I'll let you know where I can go from there.

Thanks much,

The duties are what I was worried about also.. I sent them an email yesterday to find out what shipping would be, but they never responded.

Wheres everyone at?? we NEED these rotors.. (attn)
I'll try to look up the Harmonized B customs code for it and see if I can figure out what the taxation rate is or not... import/export always sucks!! LOL... Also when I get setup with them I'll have to see how they deal with that, if it's included in my bill, or if I get to look forward to letters in the mail saying I owe the government money :) LOL..

Thanks guys!

TurfBurn said:
I'll try to look up the Harmonized B customs code for it and see if I can figure out what the taxation rate is or not... import/export always sucks!! LOL... Also when I get setup with them I'll have to see how they deal with that, if it's included in my bill, or if I get to look forward to letters in the mail saying I owe the government money :) LOL..

Thanks guys!


You doing any sponsorships?? :D

:: pick me ::
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we have a few sponsored guys, but we are full up right now... Badger Biker is our Mazda 3 at this point which is nice because he is local and I can work on his car when I need to make new stuff :)

Our new website should go up in about 3-4 weeks... then you'll see just how much stuff I do offer now ;) LOL... it's growing fast to say the least...
Badger Biker is all the way in WI ... you need someone dpwm here in the south haha, jk

So yay or nay on the rotors? Just let me know before I go ordering from them. I was hoping to order today, but I'll wait if you got something better
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