What have you done to your MSP today?

Found out last night my R rear wheel bearing is ******. The car was backed into a couple months ago and a shop called Lamb's automotive (which is a ****** JOKE of a shop) managed to **** my car up which pisses me the hell off because I don't let ANYONE touch my car for this EXACT reason. All they did was replace the knuckle and hub/bearing assembly and re-align the car. They used an impact to ram the lug nuts on and overtorque them and it mushroomed the aluminum on the wheel, the lower endlink nut was left loose and the car clunked over bumps, they lost the clips for the carpet in the trunk and broke all 5 clips for the rear trim panel by yanking on it instead of taking 30 seconds to remove the damn clips, there is a mismatched nut on the knuckle, they broke the bolt off for the ABS sensor wire and threw away the tie down, they charged the insurance company for a new strut that was never put on the car and on top of it all the bulls*** chinese MasterPro wheel bearing has now failed after not even 1 month of use! And the suspension work wasn't even necessary the car that hit me barely scratched the paint but the shop screwed over the insurance company and tacked on $1k of unnecessary parts and labor.
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Ahhhhhhh I'm pissed that this turbo isn't mating up with the down pipe or gasket correctly. One bolt is slightly off.
well that's too bad cause that's a great price, If I wanted one as badly as he seems to I would pay for the test to be done myself.

I haven't done anything to my msp for a while :( but I have decided to get a new car at somepoint next year. I didn't hit the powerball so there's not enough room in a 2 car garage for 3 cars.
Put my MSP up for sale the other day. Check it out in the FS section.
^Selling the Camaro right :)

fixed for ya ;)

nope, to much sentimental attachment plus when finished (one day I swear) it will be nicer than the MSP. Maybe not handle as good but make up for it with power, looks and being RWD
i thought that was standard practice when buying boosted used vehicles?

perhaps within the mechanic community... i know a good amount about my MSP owning it for almost 4 years now, but i personally would rather pay somebody to do the work correctly than wrench the s*** out of my car and stuff get ****** up. a compression test is well beyond my knowledge.
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A compression tester costs $30 and is as easy as changing your spark plugs. If anyone has ever read anything about a msp and buys one without doing a compression test... they are less than wise IMO!!