what happened to protege garage


2003.5 MSP, lazer blue
i was wondering what happened to protegegarage.com. i tried togo to the site but it says its closed. im sponsered by them and they never even told me they were closing so i was just wondering if anyone had any info that i am missing. like maybe its a joke or something or did they really close and now i have no sponsership and they did not even tell me they were closing?

i remember reading something to the effect that they did shut down, but i dont know, i'm also curious about more info, searching would probably bring up something, but i'm not THAT curious :p...
In that case...where can I find all of those CF parts they had??? I was going to buy some of them, like the grill insert and a few other things.
u could try DG Motorsports, they have a s***load of cf pieces for the protege
this sucks, i am a little pissed. you think he might have had the idea to tell one of his sponsered cars that he was going to close. now i just have a banner on my car and i hate banners i just had it there because of my sponsership. i am going to have to call him and talk to him.

thanks for the info

If Ken decided that his girlfriend was more important than his car, he is right to do so. If Ken decided that his girlfriend was more important than his business, that's his own decision. Everybody has different priorities.

Futhermore, I've never had anything but great service when dealing with Dexter. Where this asshole comment comes from I'll never know, but I found him to be a pleasure to deal with. They gave it a good run.
Maz_Speed13 said:
i was wondering what happened to protegegarage.com. i tried togo to the site but it says its closed. im sponsered by them and they never even told me they were closing so i was just wondering if anyone had any info that i am missing. like maybe its a joke or something or did they really close and now i have no sponsership and they did not even tell me they were closing?


Well the point of a sponsorship is to help bring in business to the people sponsoring you. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I guess that concept got lost somewhere after the FandF.
hey maybe you should not talk about thing you dont know about. i did recommend the site to everybody i know, unfortunatly there are not a lot of protege tumers around me.

and what i was saying was even if they were closing you think he could have told us.
Maz_Speed13 said:
and what i was saying was even if they were closing you think he could have told us.

not to be a jerk, but it appears that a lot of other people knew about this (including me, i just didn't know details), if you were really that concerned about your sponsorship, and about protegegarage, you would have been keeping yourself up to date on them, i've noticed that a lot of people seem to have been sponsored by protegegarage, so i'm sure ken and dexter just didn't want to spend the time trying to figure out who is sponsored by them anymore, and sending out messages, they probably figured that if you would read it on the board somewhere, they probably even made a thread of there own, who knows...
yeah it kinda was a big post and like 3 other threads...i still got my banner on my back window cause bryan might be reopening it in the spring...but who knows...its all good for now..
anarchistchiken said:
Well you never have been with me. And I was just jokin about ken, I totally respect his position.

i hope u were jokin about the dexter comment dude..
i still have the banner on the front windshield too, the reason i was upset that no one told me it closed was like a week before it closed i talked to ken because i was making pen holders as a school project and i wanted to know if he wanted one with the protege garage logo on it cause i was makeing myself one. and then i went to the website and it was closed so i was upset that he did not say anything to me.
yeah i dont think they wanted it but it kinda was commin to a point and one nite just took the site down and didnt wanna deal with it