VOLO Performance Fuel saver chip!


2002 Mazda Protege5
Now i know a lot of your guys on here dont believe that any of these so called fuel saver chips actually work. Everyone seems to think that they are a scam or a waste of money. Maybe most of them are but a friend of mine got me one of these as a gift. I had my doubts to but since it was free i decided to give it a shot. Installation was a breeze, just 3 wires are spliced into 3 other wires coming our the back of your OBD port. The chip modifies a few settings in your ECU as i assume most of them do that but let me tell ya. IT ACTUALLY WORKS!!! the instructions said allow up to 120 miles for calibration and if at any time you add additional performance mods just rect the box to calibrate for the additional change.

I drove a half a tank through roughly 200 miles and figured it had to be calibrated by now, filled my tank full then began to track my milage just as i always do. Since i bought my car back in march i havnt been able to get more than 330 miles a tank. On the first tank with the VOLO chip installed i managed to pull 375 miles on my tank of gas. and that was with half highway miles and half city miles.

Im not saying im fully convinced it works YET.....but damn that was a BIG difference in MPT that i cant accept as just a coencedence...

Ill keep everyone posted in this thread as i continue to track my MPG and MPT.
But wait there's more, if you call now we will throw 2 Volo chips for the price of 1. That's right, just pay for the Shipping and Handling and you can own this wonderful POS with just 3 easy payments of $30. LOL

Seriously, I'm half and half about this. I heard of the chip being used but never seen it in action. Been trying to find youtube vids on this and with our cars, but no luck yet. I'm a little on edge about getting something to tune my ecu that has the potential to screw it up. Maybe not right off the bat but I need to know how long does it take to get it out of wack. Right now our gas is at $3.25 for 87, I pretty sure I would love to have this added on but need to safe then sorry since this is my only mode of transport. Keep us posted.
Did you perform any maintenance/upgrades before you installed the chip? Did you modify your driving habits because of the chip? Yea sorry ...... I don't buy into these things.
guys guys guys before you start hounding me. TRUST ME i feel the same about these things as you guys. that you can possibly pay so little for a box that can magically enhance your MPG....but like i said i didnt pay for it and it was given to me. I would have never went out and bought this thing with my own money, id save up for something else for my car lol. But anyways, Ill keep everyone posted as i go through a tank of gas. Ill check for weird idling, pinging, ANYTHING thats out of the ordinary, and ill track my MPG and MPT. Im not trying to sell this device but im a little shocked at what it has done so far even though its still wayyy early in the game. Darkangel i did not modify my driving habbits, i tend to have a heavy foot when im in the city, street racing to every red light so to speak lol. but when im on the freeway im usually at 60-70mph with cruise on. before the chip i would on average get roughly 27 mpg if i had a mix of city and freeway, a few tanks that had been all freeway the best i got was 31mpg and a few tanks that had been all city where on the low end of 24 mpg (street racing style of city driving lol)

tweety ive heard about putting an mp3 ecu in our cars, whats all involved aside from just pulling the old one out and plugging the new one in? and where can i go to get one? what all does it do better than our p5 ecu? also im running a manual tranny does that make a difference?
The MP3 ECU is a direct replacement for the stock one. It works with a manual transmission. It advances ignition timing, not sure what else. I have one and I really like it. I haven't noticed a change in gas mileage, either for better or worse, but my engine definitely pulls harder in the mid- to top-end. It definitely feels powerful on the butt-dyno.
If you can get one used, it'll run you between $100 and $200, but I think Spicy still does the reflash thing where he'll flash your stock one to MP3 specs.
Or you could put in a grill block for 3$ for guaranteed few extra mpg :D

I just feel like a troll saying that in every thread like this though...(thought)
Along with a 4-1 Header, I installed the MP3 ECU, next tank of fuel I was getting 600KM per tank average, when before that I was lucky to get 500KM with mixed driving...
So much for fuel mileage now since I am driving a Ram 1500 now... LOL
Id like to eventually get an MP3 ecu and a 4-1 header...but it all cost money money money and i have other things that need to be fixed or replaced before i can spend money on upgrades.
I haven't seen anyone mention that Premium Fuel ( 91 ) is required with the MP3 ECU for best performance instead of Unleaded ( 87 ). Yea its a couple more dollars at the pump but it's needed for what the ECU does.
I haven't seen anyone mention that Premium Fuel ( 91 ) is required with the MP3 ECU for best performance instead of Unleaded ( 87 ). Yea its a couple more dollars at the pump but it's needed for what the ECU does.

I actually get better mileage per dollar with higher octane fuel...(whistle)
So it's kinda tradeoff, worse mpg with cheaper gas and no mp3 ecu & better mpg with more expensive gas every fillup and money spent on the mp3 ecu. Wonder how long before that ever becomes cost effective beyond just the feel good part of how the car seems to run better.
I'm waiting to see what my mileage is with a good alignment. I know last summer I was getting 32mpg with a bad alignment due to an issue I've finally figured out. And that's shifting around 3000 rpms with occasional 4000 and a few 6000+. With regular I think I got 29-30. 2mpg isn't really worth it but there is a noticeable difference in power between 87 octane and 93.
I have been forgeting to look at my mileage when I fill up and have not noticed what I have been getting but since modifying my driving behavior I have actually extended my fuel up intervals so I know I am doing good. Just like you tweety, I have not gone above 3-4K and rarely do I hit about 6K. I was used to paying for 91 with my previous car ( 95 GSR ) so the couple of dollars one spends wasn't as much but I am wanting to go the MP3 ECU route for the better feel of how my engine runs.