The PlastiDip Thread

all u guys complain, but your all in the US or very close to it... In Australia it costs about $30 per can. and a full car kit is about $7-800AUD. lol. I want to spray mine pearl white. or matt white.
all u guys complain, but your all in the US or very close to it... In Australia it costs about $30 per can. and a full car kit is about $7-800AUD. lol. I want to spray mine pearl white. or matt white.

that's ridiculous! at that point i'd look into vinyl wrapping or just repainting the whole car myself
I'm about to do my whole MS6 matte white this weekend.

I've been doing some research and the DipYourCar guys have a pre-cleaner which apparently is basically slightly diluted rubbing alcohol. What do you guys use to clean the surface before paint? I'm going for a permanent paint job (well, until rust comes back, then I'll peel it, repair the rust and respray).
Evan - we just finished spraying a RB25 powered 240 this past weekend.

The prep work was - wash it then - wax it. done. No other products were used in the prepwork. Just soapy water, a rinse, and a wax/buff.

Dip stuck like chuck. Hope this helps.
Thanks, man! I'm looking forward to this little project. Got any pics of the 240?
I thought you wanted to get the wax off? Isn't that what the Pre-dip is for? DYC guys try to get it as free of wax and all before they dip it.
Here is my attempt at the hood. I am going to peal it and do it again because the cotton wood trees decided today was the day to shed. I opened the shop door just once this morning after the second coat and bam I've got little fuzzy cotton all over the hood. I decided to do the third coat anyway just to see what it looked like. It needs a fourth heavy coat for sure to get it to smooth out better. I think I'll order dipyourcar tip too because the OEM tip takes way too much time and its narrow. Oh yea, Home Depot has it for $5.98 a can.

First coat.


Second Coat


Third Coat.
Thanks, man! I'm looking forward to this little project. Got any pics of the 240? makes this look a lot easier than it is. Definitely make sure you have enough product and lay that last coat on thick but not so thick it drips. Just my two cents.
Dipped Rims, Badges, and Valence

I dipped my badges and valence about a year ago and they still look great. Just did my rims the other day in white with a tiny bit of the pearlizer over it.


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Let's bring back an old thread? Does plastidipping the hood do any damage to the clear coat? Or if I peel it off a year from now will it still look as it does now?
Because I've got a few spots where the paint recently chipped off but no rust yet so I want to dip half of the hood, just like KMac did - i think that looks dope lol.
Let's bring back an old thread? Does plastidipping the hood do any damage to the clear coat? Or if I peel it off a year from now will it still look as it does now?
Because I've got a few spots where the paint recently chipped off but no rust yet so I want to dip half of the hood, just like KMac did - i think that looks dope lol.

It'll be fine, plastidip doesnt hurt anything.
It's been 2 years on the wheels and 4 months on the rear valance. Both are still holding up great.

I might do my hood and roof too. They're painted black atm but I don't like how the clear coat looks. Plus I think a flat black would look better =)
Nice looks good dude! I don't mind that glossy look at all - I'd just be scared to paint my hood incase I don't like it lol, so the dip seems like a good option.
I'm going to do the rear valence as well. Just the leftover can from your rims was enough to do it? Or did you end up using more after that? And how many coats did you do?