Storage Shelf

I can find pages of OEM cargo trays and covers for every Mazda model in the US but the M2. It's as if Mazda forgot about the US market for M2 accessories. I suppose by 2012 or 2013 they may remember us.

The OEM net is a disappointment for my purpose. I put my laptop in the back but any sharp corner sends it flying. The rear bumper guard is a worthwhile addition.
Yeah I'm pretty disappointed with Mazda and the USA market. IDK what type of tactic they would have in depriving us of accessories.
Yeah I'm pretty disappointed with Mazda and the USA market. IDK what type of tactic they would have in depriving us of accessories.

I know right? Not even vent visors are available lol. Guess we are all supposed to just get everything from overseas....
Yeah I'm pretty disappointed with Mazda and the USA market. IDK what type of tactic they would have in depriving us of accessories.

I know right? Not even vent visors are available lol. Guess we are all supposed to just get everything from overseas....

There was definitely a drastic drop-off in OEM accessory availability for Mazda. A few years ago when the MS3 was getting really popular, the local dealership renovated their building to include a storefront section dedicated to MazdaSpeed and OEM accessories.... but about a month before it was supposed to open, they killed the project. It's been sitting dormant ever since.

Wish we could get some answers from Mazda USA on this.
I recall reading somewhere that, back when the economy took a dive, Mazda USA laid off the team that handled accessories in the US. Not sure if it's true or not, but it would certainly explain some things.