stereo problems/questions


03 P5
in my 03 P5. just a few simple ones, maybe troubleshooting...

the stock radio reception sucks. i can get some signal, but a lot of static where i live. is this just a common problem for those of us in rural areas, or am i special? if im special, what should i look at to strat fixing it? no money options first. please dont tell me to toss in a new head unit unless thats my only option, cause i like the six disc changer.

also, ther is no low end sound reproduction in this car. i know the 03.5 had the optional spare tire sub, but ive used ones like that before and they kind of suck. so what other options, except for huge wood box or custom fiberglass enclosure do i have? i had an MTX thunderform in the Dakota that this car replaced, and i liked how that didnt take up any space. is there someone making something similar for the P5?

lastly, is there actually any sound deadening anywhere in the car? i looked under the cargo tray, none. under the rear seat, none. and it sure doesnt sound like theres any in the doors. so is there any anywhere else?

I think that you may just be expecting too much, simply get in someone elses car and listen to the same station, if it has reception problems also i would just assume its your area. Can you get some stations with no static and others with tons? Just look on crutchfield for stealth subs or something like that if the p5 stock sub doesnt fill your needs.
The reception in my area isn't bad, but I really don't listen to the radio that much.

I'm sure if you look in the audio section you'll get a lot of info for the "boom" and probably some stealth systems and sound deadening add ons.
as far as the other cars, i have no access to ther P5 or mazdas in my area. my wifes car and deceased dakota both had great reception on all 4 stations i listen to. thisone only gets one of them with any kind of clarity.

i also didnt know there was a stereo section. ill go check it out, and probably cut and paste my post to it . thanks
Crutchfield has quite a few thin subs but don't expect some really big BOOM! If you're just looking to add some bass, then those will work. As for the sound deadening, there really isn't any. On the doors there is just a plastic sheet that is a moisture barrier. Spend a few hours and add some Dynamat or B-Quiet,Raamat BXT or some other stuff to the doors and it will make a big difference. On the floor there is a bit of stuff laid down but nothing that will act like some Dynamat. hope this helps.
Check out discount until FRIDAY!!!!!....They have been tested as the best stuff around. Raammat is buytl based and very inexpensive compared Dynamat Xtreme. Be sure to buy the Ensolite foam as well, about 9 yards, or you will not reduce the road noise, only the rattles.

Side note...Rick, the owner, is an outstanding businessman...You will not be dissappointed in his customer service or his products.
dusterbd13 said:
in my 03 P5. just a few simple ones, maybe troubleshooting...

the stock radio reception sucks. i can get some signal, but a lot of static where i live.

1. Check that the antenna is screwed in all the way. Here's hoping that yours is a little loose, as one turn of the antenna is far and away the easiest possible fix.

2. If the antenna is ok, then check that the antenna lead is still plugged all the way into the stereo. Search in the how to sections for instructions on getting to the back of the audio unit.
P-Funk! said:
^and... Does it suddenly get good reception with the engine off?

Good point. If reception is better with the motor off that suggests either some sort of electrical noise problem (which could be many things) or that the ground serving the radio is loose.
no difference between running and not. cleaned and retigntened the little stubby antenna tonight, no difference. someone in the protege lounge had said that the little aluminum ones are not stock, that its supposed to be about 18 inches long. so im going to look for a replacement mast, and see if that helps.

thanks for all the reccomendations. please keep them coming.

Yeah, the little stubs definitely cut back on the reception...I still get all my channel clear with mine, but I'm right in a metro area...Once I leave town it fades quick.