SRT-4 Jumping???

Pkay said:
how many msp's have you seen rolled?

I did a search on the srt forums and saw 12


end of story
none jus bought it outright i got a settlement check
"I like them both! Either way, you are happy. Both great cars. I like to use the "Saved by the Bell" analogy when comparing these cars. The MSP is like Zack, knows how to handle situations, snazzy dresser, all around well balanced cool guy (the MSP is unable to stop time to analyze social situations however). The SRT4 is like A.C. Slater, very powerful football player, not as crafty as Zack or as good a dresser, but can still handle himself around the school and run s***. Both are cool popular dudes who get chicks and always save the day in the end...whether it be on the Autocross course or fixing Mr. Belding's car before he realizes Screech crashed it going to the spring dance. So when it came down to deciding what car was right for me...I just asked I a Zack or a Slater? Maybe you all should ask yourself that question as well."
Quite possibly the greatest thing ever written....

When it comes to affordable compact car performance, the SRT4 perfectly represents America's preoccupation with 1/4 mile times, whereas the MSP, I think, is more of a represenative of all-around performance. I am not doubting the SRT4's handling ability either, just as I am not doubting the MSP's 1/4 mile potential. (drive)
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Wha'Happened said:
"I like them both! Either way, you are happy. Both great cars. I like to use the "Saved by the Bell" analogy when comparing these cars. The MSP is like Zack, knows how to handle situations, snazzy dresser, all around well balanced cool guy (the MSP is unable to stop time to analyze social situations however). The SRT4 is like A.C. Slater, very powerful football player, not as crafty as Zack or as good a dresser, but can still handle himself around the school and run s***. Both are cool popular dudes who get chicks and always save the day in the end...whether it be on the Autocross course or fixing Mr. Belding's car before he realizes Screech crashed it going to the spring dance. So when it came down to deciding what car was right for me...I just asked I a Zack or a Slater? Maybe you all should ask yourself that question as well."

Quite possibly the greatest thing ever written....

OMFG ... thnx for the trip back to 1985 ... :-D
Wha'Happened said:
"I like them both! Either way, you are happy. Both great cars. I like to use the "Saved by the Bell" analogy when comparing these cars. The MSP is like Zack, knows how to handle situations, snazzy dresser, all around well balanced cool guy (the MSP is unable to stop time to analyze social situations however). The SRT4 is like A.C. Slater, very powerful football player, not as crafty as Zack or as good a dresser, but can still handle himself around the school and run s***. Both are cool popular dudes who get chicks and always save the day in the end...whether it be on the Autocross course or fixing Mr. Belding's car before he realizes Screech crashed it going to the spring dance. So when it came down to deciding what car was right for me...I just asked I a Zack or a Slater? Maybe you all should ask yourself that question as well."

Quite possibly the greatest thing ever written....
LMFAO, as cheesy as that it, that's great!
Well if you think about it. The MSP runs about 4-6psi, the SRT-4 boost what 12psi and a fall to about 10-11psi.

If the boost was around 10psi stock on the MSP's Im sure people would pick them over the SRT-4's. The only downside is how long with the MSP last on 10psi.
My friends MSP with a cone filter and 10psi beats SRT-4's. 03's and 04's

Ever since he got his exhaust Im sure he can eat them now.

I drove in my friends 03 SRT-4 2 nights ago and I wasnt pleased. Hes got the Stage 1, 3in turbo-back exhaust, front mount, and a BOV. Hes only boosting 15psi with a fall to 13psi. I was barely pushed into my seat. I told him to up the boost, I think he took my advice. hehe

BTW, The Saturn ION Red LIne = Screech!!

I think those are pretty nice. Someone in my neighborhood has a blue one. Great lookin car, the sound good too. I dont think Id get one though??
stock 04 srt psi is 15 spiking 16... i know because i test drove an 04 with 10 miles on it (NEW). You test drove an 03 with 15 less ponies & LSD.

I can gaurantee all these MSP's putting the boost up will have trouble in the (near or far)future either with the turbos or their engines. its all a matter of time -sad but true.(puts on flame resistent suit(blah) )
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mazdaspeedchick said:
stock 04 srt psi is 15 spiking 16... i know because i test drove an 04 with 10 miles on it (NEW). You test drove an 03 with 15 less ponies & LSD.

I can gaurantee all these MSP's putting the boost up will have trouble in the (near or far)future either with the turbos or their engines. its all a matter of time -sad but true.(puts on flame resistent suit(blah) )
When it comes down to it I love my car not for the handling...but for how well it was made. I got side swiped by a lady doing 40 mph, then popped a curb and hit another car head on. My quarter panel was dented, and the door had to be replaced, but the underbody suffered no damage. the front bumper only incurred scratches.. The ladys 1991 mercury ( a boat btw ) looked like a bomb went off on her radiator and it was totalled. the suv i hit had a huge dent was well. Granted my airbags never deployed...but i didnt need them too. Gotta be one of the safest cars out there. Hell even vics car didnt look so bad after plunging over a cliff. Im really indifferent, i dont have any hate toward srts, but i do love my mazda.
MackDadam said:
When it comes down to it I love my car not for the handling...but for how well it was made. I got side swiped by a lady doing 40 mph, then popped a curb and hit another car head on. My quarter panel was dented, and the door had to be replaced, but the underbody suffered no damage. the front bumper only incurred scratches.. The ladys 1991 mercury ( a boat btw ) looked like a bomb went off on her radiator and it was totalled. the suv i hit had a huge dent was well. Granted my airbags never deployed...but i didnt need them too. Gotta be one of the safest cars out there. Hell even vics car didnt look so bad after plunging over a cliff. Im really indifferent, i dont have any hate toward srts, but i do love my mazda.
Here here. Very good points. Better than these blanket statments people make. "Up the boost and it won't last" Some people have 20k plus and still going strong. Proper maintenance and care will make the car last.