Saturday, March 1st at HOOTERS in SD


Just like the title says. Its going to be a group of my buddies from my Focus/Mazda forum, and a few MS3s from here on Pendleton, guys I know around base. We should be getting there around 730-8PM nd it will be under the name FOCUS RUSH so if you hear it on the loudspeaker, thats us. ;) We usually ask for a table of ten in case anybody else shows up - last time we only had 6 but it was still quite the blast.

If you are familiar with the SD Hooter, you know that parking is a BIOTCH so park where you can, and if we have to we can park behind the building or a little further away. For more info, hit me on my cell at 209-324-0848 (Name is Evan, if you didnt catch that ;) )