

17 iA/2/Demio
Sadly as much as I like my 2 we will have to part. The cost to keep it is too much. I am in socal and a car is not really needed since we have warm winter and occasional rain. I decided that soon I will get rid of the car. Sell it off and pay the difference. Payment is 365, insurance is 105 and gas is around 250. So way too much. I have a 2011 CBR250R and a GT Traffic Bicycle and I manage just fine with them. My roommate has a car and my commute is around 8 miles one way. It just makes no financial sense to have a car no more and had quite a few over the years.
I understand cutting back.... I have questioned the practicality in having two car payments in our family.... But as for now, im keeping the 2.

Good luck!
I know what you mean. I ride to work in the spring summe and fall months, but I need my car all winter, and most weekends. Good luck on the sale.
Thanks guys... is hard to let it go, but financially is too much. 700+ is a whole 2 week salary for some before taxes. Is just crazy.
That's a huge payment! My two's payment was only 200, but I have the sport model (auto tranny)
O.O i have a sport and payments are $270 a month for me cuz i got the warranty
Sorry to see you let go of your 2. I live in SoCal as well, and don't think I'd be able to live without a car. But your situation sounds a lot different than mine. Not to mention NOT having a car payment is a great thing.