Replacing Headlight on my Mazda Protege 5

2010 MazdaSpeed3
So I am new on here and just thought I would ask you guys what all goes into changing the headlight on my car? My headlight burned out a couple days ago and I am needing to get it replaced so I can drive at night again (drive). I really don't know that much about cars, I do IT related tasks and web design, but when it comes to cars I usually just pay someone to do it. But I really want to start learning some of this stuff for myself. I can change my oil, fuses, all of the standard stuff. Is the headlight something I should just take it in to the shop to get replaced or what do you guys think? Is this something I can order and do myself?
Sweet thanks guys. Wow StealthWyvern, definitely will be bookmarking your page in my favorites. Really good walk throughs. One more quick question, what are the High Beam bulbs on the P5? I know the low beam bulbs are H7, but what are the high beams?? Thanks
Welcome to the boards, to be a protege5 owner you gotta know how to change headlight bulbs!!!
Just remember not to touch the new bulbs with bare skin - they always warn that oil from your skin shorten their life.... er something.
Welcome to the boards, to be a protege5 owner you gotta know how to change headlight bulbs!!!
Just remember not to touch the new bulbs with bare skin - they always warn that oil from your skin shorten their life.... er something.

shortens is a under statement....