Rat -1 / Air Conditioning Belt - 0


06 Carbon Gray Touring 5
Well, I work in an industrial complex next to a field. Sometime last night a RAT (no, not a small mouse, a friggin RAT) climbed up into the engine compartment. Tonight on my way to work, it was 86 degrees, so I turned on the A/C. It started blowing hot air, and I was like "WTF????".

I got to work and pulled the cover off the engine and saw the body of about an 8" RAT mangled laying on the bottom plastic access panel.(blarf)

Luckily, a friend has a shop, I'm going to run down there tomorrow morn when I get off and clean it up and put the belt back on.

WAIT! Before you clean up the carnage, take plenty of pics!

This reminds me of a similar incident I saw online a few years back involving a snake.
If I can beg/borrow/steal a camera I will. I don't have mine with me and it's about 18 miles home, then 23 miles to the shop. I'd rather just drive the 5 miles from work to his shop.

this happened to my friends van once....except it was a cat instead of a rat. stupid ass cats. hah
PICS!!!!!!!!! this will make it onto every forum on the intranet if j00 get pics. Remember that snake one? hahaha
I remember one in the shop that ran into a Mazda 3 and did the same. Use the tail to remove it....ah if it still has one lol
Got it fixed today. I didn't realize there was no tensioner for the AC. You have to remove the compressor to get the belt on. It would have been a pain in the a$$ in the driveway, but in a shop with a lift and air tools it took about 20 minutes.



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my mother in law got a new cat this way, it crawled up into the engine and rode home with her, somehow managing to get no more badly hurt than just being filthy dirty. Crawled out in the garage and has been living in their house ever since.