Rant about the ex

woah, this blew up over christmas. Sorry I haven't been around guys, been traveling and such. I am not going to post pics of her but rest assured if I change my mind I will let you know first. Let me go ahead and rest the posts now so I can get caught up.
Wow, you guys like drama alright.

Well I had a quick read over this and it seems there is a lot of god advise here. I definately don't think I am a wuss. I agree that giving people a little more time or an extra chance when they mess up is a litlte wussish, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. I know the cocky guys get the girls, but that just isn't me. Even if I wanted to be a cocky asshole its just not in my nature. If it works for you guys, cool.

I do deserve some reasons from her even if they are hurtful or something which I seriously doubt because I did treat her like a princess. The only response I got from her was "I don't know". Everything happens for a reason. Even if its a bad, selfcentered or misunderstood reason, its still a reason.

I agree communication is key. My ex definately had trouble with that which simply isn't my fault. I gave her ample opportunities to communicate with me and I have the pateince of Job with her. I'd give you guys examples, but it just takes too long to type.

I never was desperate for her for the record. I just wanted to make things right even if that meant we weren't together. Sure I miss her and the good times we had, but I can live my life just fine without her. I am pretty solid on who I am and I am totally fine with it.

BTW, she definately isn't sleeping with someone else. I dated her for a year and 10 months before we slept together. So, seems to me she just changed her mind and instead of talking to me she got out. Again, just a guess because I don't have any word from her.

So, I wrote a long email calling her out on everything and called her some not so nice things. She'll get over it and can't say I didn't try in every other way.

Anywho, thats pretty much it. She sucks at life. Seriously, do any women not suck out there? Something very similar happened to me a few years ago. That girl finally grew up and has done nothing but say she is sorry and has realized her mistakes. So, any girls out there that aren't going to act like a 12 year old? I is totally single so BOOM...uh, yeah I am awesome and other stuff. Is that a good pick up line?

Thanks for listening and such. Good ole mazda forums...we know drama.
good grief man that is quite the post... my best advice for you right now... let it go, just stop bothering with her unless you intend to take her back, in which case she has to be willing as well.
I wouldn't take her back, period. Whether she's willing to or not. She may be a nice girl, but she seems a little confused or unsure.
Yep, I am completely done with her. Even if she came crawling back, which she won't, there is no way in hell I would take her back.
man, hooking up with her friend would be awesome. I hadn't thought of that one.

Mmm coilovers. They will likely be for sale sometime in 07 as I am moving to a new car.
Well dude.. just let me tell you from experince.. sometimes its better not to know. I found out last night the truth and its going to scare my ass for life!
woah man. Sorry to hear that. Honestly, if my ex is holding something back I think I know what it is and she just has the wrong idea about it so it won't bother me so much. But that sucks that whatever it is was so bad. Hopefully you can work on it now or try and fix it somehow.
Drake13 said:
Well dude.. just let me tell you from experince.. sometimes its better not to know. I found out last night the truth and its going to scare my ass for life!