Protege5 chrome stockers only have 2

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Boxed and ready to ship.
If you need them, $100 or make me an offer.
Otherwise I just going to take them to the scrape metal place and get money out of them that way.

Have pics if you want to see them.
Thanks all.
Take a look at the rules (there's a link in my signature). In order to post items for sale, you must also post photos of the items for sale along with a piece of paper that has your userID, the date, and "" written on it. I am temporarily locking your thread; I'll be happy to unlock it once you've taken the photos and are ready to post them. Send me a PM when you're ready to post. If I'm not around, feel free to PM any of the other applicable section moderators.

Please also input your location into your profile: Settings (upper right corner of this window) > Edit Profile > Location

Thanks (2thumbs)
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