Post The BEST Pictures OF YOUR MAZDA

Here are quick shots of the front lip and back lip. Still gotta do that sides. Nothing artistic just to show photos during the day. I'll repost once complete and washed.



Coilovers aren't maxed down yet.




Dub, it'll be them for awhile. spent too much already and my pockets are exhausted. I have yet to look for a new set. One day maybe next year?
I'll allow the double post since that pic is AWESOME!!!!

Architecture in Europe is freakin awesome... Great pic location again, Vocko.

Woah! I like the photo but damn that's some crazy noise.

Thnx guys!

Unfortunately noise is a side product of my friend hurrying me up with taking photos (cause his girlfriend called him (whistle) :D) so I couldnt get shots with different exposures and had to revert to using PS. Then I added more noise to give it that grungy look.

@weaksauce - I love spoilers on cars, but not on yours :( It was much cleaner, imho, without it. But to each his own ;)

@geejay99 - You dont need to go more lower! Stance, wheels, lips... Looking good. My fav new Maz3.

@qwik6 - Clean and goodlooking as always ;)