Phen's 2004 Mazdaspeed MX-5 GT Thread

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Yeah what AJ said. Those 750cc are in the rotary territory and you can probably make some cash in the deal.
Or here's a crazy idea, build the rest of the motor to require 750cc injectors. Muhaha... yesssss, excellent... (rubbing hands together)
upgrade to a non "acorn sized turbo" or as you called it "a turbo the size of my left nut" hahaha
Or here's a crazy idea, build the rest of the motor to require 750cc injectors. Muhaha... yesssss, excellent... (rubbing hands together)

*sigh* I think you missed the point on him getting it fixed so he can drive it. (Unless you be trollin'!)

On the serious, if you get this Hydra stuff figured out and decide to invest in 550cc injectors while selling the 750cc ones, I can send you Hydra map to look over for yours. You can use it to tune conservatively and get a nice DD.

Sound like a plan Phen?

upgrade to a non "acorn sized turbo" or as you called it "a turbo the size of my left nut" hahaha

*sigh again*
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Chris. Lulz.

On the serious side of the internetz, wouldn't 550's still be too big? I'm a newb at boost but with a stock turbo and 10lbs of boost, why not swap in some stockers?
i believe 550s are proper for the application phen said but 440s should be just fine i think
550's are what comes with the Big Enchilada kit. I have to pick injectors wisely because the Hydra doesn't play nicely with many of them. Same with O2 sensors, and a few other things.

I know a lot of you guys do this, but I'm not really a big fan of buying a part, then selling the old part just to offset the cost in order to try to make a car that worked just fine before this issue, work the exact same way. Yes, the 750's are over kill. But if you remember correctly, when I bought the car... it was running 13's in the 1/4 mile. It was big rich because that's how the map was set. After tuning, I had much nicer AFR's.

The only way these injectors are coming out is if it goes stock. They're a pain in the freaking balls to remove.

And Chris... I still can't use your map because we don't have the same version of ECU. Mine's still Serial connection, remember?
And Chris... I still can't use your map because we don't have the same version of ECU. Mine's still Serial connection, remember?

Yep, but the essentials are still the same right? You could look at mine in the new version of the program and compare it to yours, yes? That is what I was getting at.
well i think the easiest of your options is to switch to a 550 cc, i dont really understand why you dont just go at that. just because it worked before doesnt mean its working now.

you have 2 options.

1. remove 750s and buy 550s, and have an easier time tuning later.
2 keep 750s and continue to struggle trying to make your car run right.

the 750s are probably no where near their full duty, or even 3/4 duty. if i slapped 1000ccs in mine, sure itd run, but the injectors would be no where near the flow that made them perform ideally. just something to think about
Adam, re-read Phen's post. he said that the car ran just fine before on the current set-up. Therefore it should run fine now. IMO it is not an injector problem, since the car was fine before unless one or more are bad. I vote ECU, fuel pump, or ignition. I hope you get it sorted out, I am sure it is making you crazy everytime you think about it.
well i think the easiest of your options is to switch to a 550 cc, i dont really understand why you dont just go at that. just because it worked before doesnt mean its working now.

you have 2 options.

1. remove 750s and buy 550s, and have an easier time tuning later.
2 keep 750s and continue to struggle trying to make your car run right.

the 750s are probably no where near their full duty, or even 3/4 duty. if i slapped 1000ccs in mine, sure itd run, but the injectors would be no where near the flow that made them perform ideally. just something to think about

So... because it worked flawlessly for over 30k miles, I can't expect it to work now when I figure out what's actually wrong with the car?

The reason I don't just go at that is that unlike other people on this forum, I don't just throw money at parts for a car, and then hope that I can sell the other parts so that I'm not broke because I spent the money. When I have the spare cash to do so, I may think about doing it. I just don't have $500 to drop on something to replace another part that works.

It really won't be much more of a difficulty for me to tune whether I have the 750's or the 550's. I have 5 different maps for the 750's, and one baseline map for the 550's. I see what you're saying, but other than being a little rich above 6k rpm, the car ran great. The tune that Mike at OST put on the car looked a lot better than the map that came on the car. I just never got a chance to test it.

I got to thinking the other day. I've driven Pablo's MSM, I've been next to Chris' MSM when it starts, I've been next to Bruce's MSM when it starts, same with Kevin's, and the few stock ones I drove before buying mine. The fuel pumps sound NOTHING like my fuel pump does. And it's not that it was a progressive change from the time I bought it. The 37k miles I've put on this car, it always sounded the same. I'm thinking I may have an upgraded pump.
Phen, your pump sounds different how? Louder? I know mine has an upgraded pump and when it's idling you can hear it whining away under the package shelf.

I agree with you about your injectors. From my research modern injectors are very capable, especially when controlled by a good ECU. I've got a set of EV14 550cc units to go in mine with the MP62 and MS, I don't expect any problems despite them being more than 50% larger than the stockers. I also have a dual feed fuel rail to go in at the same time, might as well do it up right!
Yeah, mine is significantly louder at startup, but once the car is running, I can't hear it. Exhaust is too damn loud.

And you're right with the key phrase being "a good ECU." A piggyback on an OEM ECU will s*** a brick trying to run big injectors at low duty cycle.
What's the sitch with the Hydra?

Also, what top is this? I figured you'd know.

No word on the Hydra yet.

And that top looks like just some random NA replacement top. There are several people out there that make tops that are a bit different than OEM. I'm not sure on the manufacturer because generally, I don't go out researching things that don't need replaced. Sorry man.
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