Our rear bumper is beast!


2008 Mazdaspeed3
Got rear ended the other day on the way to school. I was stopped at a light waiting to turn right on red and the guy thought I was going to move because no traffic was coming.... too bad he didn't see the traffic jam right in front of us so I couldn't move. He gases it and hits me fairly hard..... I yelled and cussed and so on. We pull into a parking lot to look at it and the damage totaled to a license plate frame and small mark on the plastic. Its not even worth taking a picture of because you can't even see it. The kid was driving a POS and could care less that his metal bumper broke on my plastic one(loser)!

I was pissed until I saw there was no damage cause I had just got the car back from someone hitting my car when it was parked. That repair was 1700
I have been rear ended twice in mine and both times there wasnt a bit of damage. I even took my back bumper off after the second time to see if there was anything broke back there and nothing!! gotta love it
i backed into a pole and my whole bumper came off, cracked my rear windshield and threw a rod in my engine.
Wow, hope you were all right! How fast were you going?
I had a similar experience in the new beetle I drove before the Speed. I was at a stop in a very tricky intersection, and I got off the brakes to see if I could merge, I crept forward to have a look and was about to brake again when I felt a hard shove and heard a loud thud. I was starting to get angry when I looked in my rear-view mirror and saw a teenager in what probably was his first job (in a base Nissan work truck with some company's paint scheme) getting very nervous. I got out of the car and he was very apologetic, and evidently anxious. When we looked at my rear bumper, it was in perfect shape, and his black plastic bumper had an ugly gray colored dent in it. He was still very shaken up and at this point I just told him to take it easy, to be more careful and to not worry too much about it, I think he gave me some 20 or 50 USD and apologized over and over.

I usually say bad things about my experience with VW, but the New Beetle's chassis and major mechanical bits are very tough and safety wise it is a solid car.
i backed into a pole and my whole bumper came off, cracked my rear windshield and threw a rod in my engine.
pos. How the hell can backing into a pole throw a rod? You know some Mazdas are just s***, yours and mine are no exception.
idk though, but i towed it to the dealer pissed off about the engine blowing from this, and they said it was because i upgraded my tires from 215's to 225s, my warranty wont cover it.
The rest of the car is pretty stout too...and this what it looks like when an SUV rear ends you at 35+mph. ;)


Yes, the car was lowered and was hit by a SUV so the bulk of the collision was not absorbed by the bumper....but the rear hatch and crumple zones worked. Also, I can vouch for the anti-whiplash head rests. No major signs of whiplash post-collision. During rear end collisions the head rests tilt foward ever so slightly to prevent excessive neck strain.
idk though, but i towed it to the dealer pissed off about the engine blowing from this, and they said it was because i upgraded my tires from 215's to 225s, my warranty wont cover it.
wow...BS!!! idiot dealers...mine selects what it wants to fix so the service manager heard my headliner rattle and my suspension creak but he could only fix my headliner on his memory because he "couldn't re-create" the creak.
If you can fix the headliner on memory then why the f**k can't you fix my front suspension?!?!?!?!?!? Now that is some BS.

sok07, they gonna fix that or is it scrapped???
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To the OP- you may want to pull the bumper cover & make sure there's no damage underneath. Just because the plastic didn't crack doesn't mean nothing behind it got crushed. Just food for thought.
idk though, but i towed it to the dealer pissed off about the engine blowing from this, and they said it was because i upgraded my tires from 215's to 225s, my warranty wont cover it.

Dealers simply don't void warranties (especially drivetrain warranties) based on tires near OEM spec. Sounds like you were misinformed, or possibly there's more to the story? Any other mods, or maybe they attributed the incident to driver error? If you have a comprehensive policy, insurance should at least cover your total damages.
Dealers simply don't void warranties (especially drivetrain warranties) based on tires near OEM spec. Sounds like you were misinformed, or possibly there's more to the story? Any other mods, or maybe they attributed the incident to driver error? If you have a comprehensive policy, insurance should at least cover your total damages.



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