On the eve of 9/11...Osama speaks


Yes I have one
(CNN) -- On the eve of the second anniversary of the September 11 attacks, Arabic-language news network Al-Jazeera broadcast Wednesday what it said was a new videotape of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and his top deputy and audio voiceovers urging Muslims in Iraq to "devour the Americans."

StarvingRussian said:
Bin Laden is a pussy and a b****. He can ******* die. If I EVER saw that fucker I would tear his face off by his s*** infested beard.

This from the man with a dancing Hitler in his AV... j/k :D
yea...well i remember what i was doing on september 11th...post was still open and we found out what was happening, but we were working so i ran home, and got my 13in tv, then stopped at radio shack and bought an antenna...we watched the news constantly until they told us we had 1 hour to get our bags and be back on post with full gear and weapon...we didnt leave or shower and s*** for like 11 days....we pulled gaurd on everything imaginable
guys, did u read that this tape was made in april/may?


hes a b****.
OSAMA, YOU ARE A ******* b****
**** HIM!!!!I hope he is found,slaughtered,maimed and mutilated.He deserves everything that he gets!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: