Nintendo Wii...BNIB

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Trailblazer SS AWD ....Still a Mazda Junkie Though.
Brand new..BNIB..Sports package.
LMK if your interested.

That is two..One I opened..the other one FS is BNIB.


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Whats wrong with now....Tax time is around the yourself a gift!
got PS3 and 360...i should be set...naw, these suckers were like 600 bucks around was robbery
hahahahaah my neighbor got a wii for xmas and his mom told us how she managed to "score a wii".

I actually lucked out, i woke up yesterday and was like I'm gonna go on a wii hunt today. I picked up the phone and called wal-mart and they told me they had 1 or 2 left in stock - I raced down to wal-mart and picked one up. couldnt have been easier! i got lucky i guess. . .
Damn, I knew I shoulda bought 2 when we got ours awhile back. That way we coulda sold 1 for at least 100 profit so the one we kept would've only ended up being half price. Good idea.
I may accept A good trade on some parts...Just hit me with what you have...But for a better be well worth my while if you know what I mean.
$320..Or may take good parts I need on trade.....But really..I'd rather have the cash.
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