New Military Bill Trying to pass /Your thoughts

lets not get into 9/11 conspiracies here folks.. stay on topic.

::gives thread evil eye::
Hughes412 said:
Hummm some many people want to eat the fruits but no one wants to do the work to grow it. Typical America for you.

Since when does the constitution call for forced labor camps?
That's what this is. This is not a draft of the young (very young) into the service it is a complete grab of Americans away from their lives and at those citizen's expense being forced to work or face incarceration.
That is just ******* nuts! I will fight against such a thing in fact they will be facing down the barrel of my .556 when they come to take me.
yashooa said:
Since when does the constitution call for forced labor camps?
That's what this is. This is not a draft of the young (very young) into the service it is a complete grab of Americans away from their lives and at those citizen's expense being forced to work or face incarceration.
That is just ******* nuts! I will fight against such a thing in fact they will be facing down the barrel of my .556 when they come to take me.

LOL oh I bet your .556 would scare them too. Funny you'll put your life on the line and say it's your right but you wont fight to keep or protect those rights. But like I said, that's normal.
evilmonkeyMSP said:
Im totally against it. Military service should be a choice. Especially since 99% of the time what you'll be fighting for is something that you wont believe in or the us shouldnt have even stuck their nose in it...but dont listen to me...Im not even registered to vote...

Dont' worry, no one listens to you anyway(enguard)

I don't support it. I like our military to be voluntary.

I was in Romania for a couple months in 03. The soldiers there are either voluntary (paid a few hundred a month with a 4 yr stint), or involuntary, paid 50 a month for a year.

The soldiers who were involuntary didn't give two s**** about anything. They were just counting their days.

Only a draft in DIRE EMERGENCY for the country is OK. Regular service is not, although it sounds patriotic.
Hughes412 said:
LOL oh I bet your .556 would scare them too. Funny you'll put your life on the line and say it's your right but you wont fight to keep or protect those rights. But like I said, that's normal.
I served my time and how do you "defend" those rights by violating them? Kind of a self defeating argument isn't it?
I can see it now, We are here to to force you to protect your right to be free. Come with us.
How the hell do you fight to "keep" those rights by giving them up to a corrupt government?
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it should be noted as well that many european nations such as Germany require one year of military service, yet we often here about how thier civil liberties rank so far ahead of our own. without going into any further arguments, there are plenty of examples where european freedoms don't even hold a candle to our own. i have met and gotten to know many people from overseas - yes from democratic countries - who think that americans have too much freedom and it should be curbed.

i believe every citizen should be required to participate in some sort of civic duty for the greater good for a specified amount of time at some point in thier lives, regardless of race, class, status, gender or sexual preference. i think that would do wonders in terms of generating some respect and understanding among people for others that we as a lacksadaisical uninvolved and generally indifferent society have not on our own developed.

and yes, this bill was introduced by a group of democratic lawmakers to make it unpalatable for the general populace to support war and to induce anti-militaristic sentiments.
Captain KRM P5 said:
it should be noted as well that many european nations such as Germany require one year of military service, yet we often here about how thier civil liberties rank so far ahead of our own. without going into any further arguments, there are plenty of examples where european freedoms don't even hold a candle to our own. i have met and gotten to know many people from overseas - yes from democratic countries - who think that americans have too much freedom and it should be curbed.

i believe every citizen should be required to participate in some sort of civic duty for the greater good for a specified amount of time at some point in thier lives, regardless of race, class, status, gender or sexual preference. i think that would do wonders in terms of generating some respect and understanding among people for others that we as a lacksadaisical uninvolved and generally indifferent society have not on our own developed.

and yes, this bill was introduced by a group of democratic lawmakers to make it unpalatable for the general populace to support war and to induce anti-militaristic sentiments.

It is noble and people SHOULD, but it will never fly here. It is more of a wish than reality.

Your last point is a good one.
yashooa said:
That is just ******* nuts! I will fight against such a thing in fact they will be facing down the barrel of my .556 when they come to take me.

Like I said before I do not support it and I think that our military will fight better with a voluntary military rather than a drafted one (IE VIETMAN)..

But if you are going to fight back with violence if this happens dont worry i will be one the other side of the door with a tank going...:)
65racecoupe said:
It is noble and people SHOULD, but it will never fly here. It is more of a wish than reality.

Your last point is a good one.

keep mind i said 'civil' service, not nessecarily meaning military. there could be options involving all manners of things that benefit the public good. as it sits right now we're a society content to sit on our ass with our time being well on our way of being the most out of shape and obese people on the planet. but hey its my constitutional right to get fat and be lazy so there! ;)

i am not making the last point because i am some sort of republican stooge ( i challenge people to guess what affiliation i am ) i make it because thats what the senator proposing the bill himself said.
redpro01 said:
Like I said before I do not support it and I think that our military will fight better with a voluntary military rather than a drafted one (IE VIETMAN)..

But if you are going to fight back with violence if this happens dont worry i will be one the other side of the door with a tank going...:)

Yeah, like they are going to come to my house to take me. Give me a God damn break. This is a bill by Charlie "I'm a lefty" Rangle it is was dead before it was ever written.
As for the tank comment please b****. I was 11b ten years ago and I aint going back.
Captain KRM P5 said:
keep mind i said 'civil' service, not nessecarily meaning military. there could be options involving all manners of things that benefit the public good. as it sits right now we're a society content to sit on our ass with our time being well on our way of being the most out of shape and obese people on the planet. but hey its my constitutional right to get fat and be lazy so there! ;)

i am not making the last point because i am some sort of republican stooge ( i challenge people to guess what affiliation i am ) i make it because thats what the senator proposing the bill himself said.

Are you a Libertarian?
yashoo... Take a f.. ing joke... 11b? whats that I was a marine so I dont know ARMY MOS's I was attached to the Infantry yeah It was for only 4 years but I still saw pleanty. So congradulations on going in and staying longer than most; and since you already served then you dont have to worry about being recalled... so the comment about putting a gun in someones face... you will never have to do it again... but why would you do that to a fellow army/marine/ect.ect.....

Ohh yeah I know they wont bring a tank.... all I need is my bare hands....also keep the words off the board I know that some of us (ie you) are a little childish and cant stop yourself. So after this I am done. peace out
redpro01 said:
yashoo... Take a f.. ing joke... 11b? whats that I was a marine so I dont know ARMY MOS's I was attached to the Infantry yeah It was for only 4 years but I still saw pleanty. So congradulations on going in and staying longer than most; and since you already served then you dont have to worry about being recalled... so the comment about putting a gun in someones face... you will never have to do it again... but why would you do that to a fellow army/marine/ect.ect.....

Ohh yeah I know they wont bring a tank.... all I need is my bare hands....also keep the words off the board I know that some of us (ie you) are a little childish and cant stop yourself. So after this I am done. peace out

11B is a grunt. It isn't even the good grunt (12B). LOL
But yea Yashoo, take it easy. This is a discussion on a bill we all know will not pass. You would not be one of the people they would be looking for because you already put in your time. The reason they put such a large gap is because the age limits for eligible recruits are 18-41 years old. I think it was channel 24 just this week had a story about a woman that was 42 and joined up. This was a grandma! So don't give us this oh I have a family BS. If your Country felt that it needed to have a draft then you would go or you would go to jail. Unless you ran like some of the other chumps did. And as far as you and your little gun. I would laugh my ass off if you ever did pull that thing out on some cop or MP. That would most likely be the last thing you ever do. You might be able to fool some of these guys on the forum with that Im a big man with a gun crap. But there are some of us that have also served our time and know better. And all this does is make you look bad.

Oh and as far as the 11B. I was just playing with you. I was a 12B. For those of you that dont know a 11B is a foot solder (Infantryman or grunt) and a 12B is a foot solder that carries C4 (explosives) on his back (Combat Engineer). The 12Bs are (were) the guys that build the bridges or building or roads and stuff like that. But in 1996 the 12B and 12F (Engineer Tracked Vehicle Crewman) consolidated. So my old job is gone.