need help posting pictures..


Mazdaspeed Protege
okay so this is the only way i know how to post a picture..


i want to be able to just put the picture in the post without using a link.. can someone help me out??
ok get a flickr of photobucket acct and put the picture on there. when you view the picture you are wanting to add click on the arrow but the share icons and there will be an http link or bbc code or whatever it is, it will be quite long and have < at the front and > at the back

then copy and paste the whole thing to the insert image pop up and delete the [/IMG] at the front and the [/IMG] at the back
you will see something like this

<a href="" title="IMAG0023 by howdlyall, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="299" alt="IMAG0023"></a>
you will see something like this

<a href="" title="IMAG0023 by howdlyall, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="299" alt="IMAG0023"></a>

thats HTML, thats not what you do, you take the link, highlihght it and click the IMG button on he forum when posting something. itll look like this
agreed my friend but i always tried doing the http thing and it would never show my picture could only get it to show the link if i took the [/IMG] things out..

edit: i just did that... and got a blank screen when i posted, still shows here in the edit:

that photo is copyrighted Dan. and I meant
or similar. It didn"t work because your link was a link to the page that had the picture< and not a direct link to the picture