My 11 year old German Shorthair Pointer "Pistol"

'11 Legacy, '15 Forester
Short version of the story;

late dec '06 - he broke his leg
early Jan '07 - Diagnosed with Bone Cancer - Vet gave him 2 months to live
June 07 - Still healthy with cancer not spread anywhere that we could find
June 07 - Amputate hind leg

He has spent the past few days at work with me because he cant be left alone....


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Aw, poor guy. Hopefully that got rid of the cancer and he'll be able to have a long healthy life now
Pistol has that "Daddy, why did you stick this funnel of shame on me AND then take a picture of it!"

I'll send lots of good healing vibes his way. :)

My sis has a German Wirehaired Pointer named Pearl - she's such a smart baby.
dogs are amazing, pure and simple. he's quite the cutie too! :) i bet he'll be going after birds and rabbits again in no time. hopefully there are no more traces of cancer in the future.
poor guy.....great looking dog. hope he adjusts to having one less leg fast. i am sure he will get the hang of running around like all his 4 legged friends before you know it.
well, he is going back to the vet tonight, (six days since the surgery) to get checked out and looked after for the night.

(He slept under my desk all day today)
Like others have already said, I hope that all traces of the cancer are gone. He is a great looking dog! Best wishes to you and Pistol
Ditto on the well wishes for teh puppy.

Hey, can you tell me about your 401k rollovers?
With my wife being an Veterinary Emergency clinic technician, I am starting to think all dogs are 3 legged.
4 Just looks wierd now.

He should be used to it very shortly.
i wish you both luck!
hooray for being an awesome owner that's willing to give the care your dog needs, im sure he will be used to it in no time, sounds like he has quite a strong spirit.
dogs have the best personality and spirit. that is of course until you piss them seriously though, this makes me love dogs even more. they are always happy to see you and the fact that he can keep going after all that is amazing. im sure he will live many more healthy years. dogs ftw!