MS3 Problems: Ball joints for Lower front left Failure

wow i just noticed that.

Sigh. ill take a closer look at it when im doing the install on for the driver side
yeah, when you get the new control arm, compare what it looks like with both sides just to make sure.
Im hoping its just the angle of the picture, but it would have made more sense that the passenger side is bent/damaged then the driver side as I did hit a curb at some speeds after a party my freshmen year in college....
ok well I'm in the middle of install and I'm in need in help with my car currently on a jackstands at my complex!!!

Well I got the 2 inner joints of the control arm off, but having trouble with the removal of the ball and joint thats closest to the wheel. I took of 1 of the nuts and when trying to take off the bolt it just spins, I'm guessing its like that? But anyways how do u take the piece of sh!t off!!?? Plan on trying again in 5 hours siince i also have class in the morning. HELLLPPP