MS3 Jump

I wasn't the original poster 2 years back on youtube, the kid who filmed it(the one with the annoying laugh) took it down, I was there, and I was pissed when saw it happen. He told me it would be little jump and it wouldn't bottom out the suspension or anything. I was on the other side of the intersection and was closer to the car and got to see the sparks close up from the exhaust tip hitting the asphalt. But being a lot younger at the time I figured it had happened so oh well, you think really stupid things are pretty bad ass when your younger. I got the file years ago and put it on myspace just as the site was dying. But I thought I had lost the file. While I was home two weekends ago I was on the parents computer and found the file again, it made me laugh now thinking about it so I threw it up on the internet, so there ya go
You don't want an answer to this. Trust me, because many people will point to the release of the MS3. That's not me saying it. That's me repeating what I've heard from A LOT of long time Mazda owners.

Yeah it seems that always happens anytime a car mfg introduces a turbo'd car for the masses. The Subaru Lesbian community was pissed when the STI came out...
It's really a shame. I drove one of the first MS3's that hit my town, and was trying to figure out how to buy it. It wouldn't have worked at the time anyway, so i didn't get it. Got more popular, the owners were the stereotypical folks who think their car is God's gift to the sport compact world, and I was turned off by it. It's a damn nice car though. Oh well. /threadjack.
Yeah it seems that always happens anytime a car mfg introduces a turbo'd car for the masses. The Subaru Lesbian community was pissed when the STI came out...


yreah, look at the issues with sportbikes, i have owned a few and i aint a twat but i have seen people trash bikes cos they cant ride them. even seen muppets in flipflops riding.

something great comes out and one or 2 twats muck it up for us all
but i have seen people trash bikes cos they cant ride them. even seen muppets in flipflops riding.

something great comes out and one or 2 twats muck it up for us all

I can personally attest to that man, been riding street bikes for 6 years. Had my first major accident this fall when a squid on a brand new 2010 CBR1000, frieakin liter bike! that I know for a fact mommy and daddy bought him hit me from behind and ran me over. Now I have a titanium left Tibia, but I can walk and I can shift now, hopefully I will be running come spring, still in a legal battle with his insurance we'll see how it pans out. Never again will I ride with ANY riders I don't know. Seems I have the bad luck of learning lessons the hard way, no matter how trivial they are lol



Edit: luckily I never learned the hard way why you wear gear lmao, I never ride without kevlar jeans, boots, jacket, gloves and helmet!
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I can personally attest to that man, been riding street bikes for 6 years. Had my first major accident this fall when a squid on a brand new 2010 CBR1000, frieakin liter bike! that I know for a fact mommy and daddy bought him hit me from behind and ran me over. Now I have a titanium left Tibia, but I can walk and I can shift now, hopefully I will be running come spring, still in a legal battle with his insurance we'll see how it pans out. Never again will I ride with ANY riders I don't know. Seems I have the bad luck of learning lessons the hard way, no matter how trivial they are lol

Edit: luckily I never learned the hard way why you wear gear lmao, I never ride without kevlar jeans, boots, jacket, gloves and helmet!

I had a spill this summer, only coming back from a friends 2 miles down the road, stoopid dumbass me, the only time i dont wear my jacket, come off, road rash down my arm, 9 injections later, 48 oxyi's and i have a nice marble patterned arm..

hense, the quote from before, we do stoopid we learn!!
Well its like they say, its not if but when you'll wreck haha, I didnt ride with gear my first couple of years. I got lucky. Things we do for the ride eh
I'm currently 19 and have a Speed3... won't lie, and I didn't lie when I joined the site, the madre bough the car for me just as I was turning 17, and the one idiotic thing I did that got me into an accident I took full responsibility for, paid for it, etc. etc. etc. any modifications done to the car have been paid in full by me, and trust me, I learned my lesson then and that's all it took. I won't disagree with you guys, I did feel like I had less responsibility with the car having not paid for it myself, so I prove your point there. However I do also believe that in certain cases like my own, those kinds of things can change the driver. Sad thing is the night of the accident I was telling my friends I'm not gonna be doing anything stupid tonight, but I let the backseat driver pressure me into it when another friend started to **** around with me, my mistake.

Since then I've been more responsible with this car than I care to explain. Luckily for me even before then I hadn't ever gotten a ticket with this car and nor do I plan on it. I don't **** around with it anymore, and the only time I'll drive it hard is at the track from now on, you can be 100% sure of that. I'm not an immature and irresponsible person, but when you're young you're a little more impressionable by those around you, it's funny... never started smoking, don't drink, anything like that which peer pressure ordinarily might turn a kid to, but when it came to my car I let myself **** up because of the pressure.

Just wanted to put in my $.02. Proving your point but also hopefully explaining that atleast in my case I certainly learned my lesson and that's that. Could have been worse, I'm very fortunate.
My speed 3 stays in the garage at most of the time. My wife has put the hammer down on me ever since she saw me pass her on the highway at a reasonable amount of speed. Lol. At first she wanted me to sell the car and take the transit. But after of crying like a baby for a few days. I convinced her for me to keep the car.
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My speed 3 stays in the garage at most of the time. My wife has put the hammer down on me ever since she saw me pass her on the highway at a reasonable amount of speed. Lol. At first she wanted me to sell the car and take the transit. But after of crying like a baby for a few days. I convinced her for me to keep the car.

hahaha, u do that too!
I'm currently 19 and have a Speed3... won't lie, and I didn't lie when I joined the site, the madre bough the car for me just as I was turning 17, and the one idiotic thing I did that got me into an accident I took full responsibility for, paid for it, etc. etc. etc. any modifications done to the car have been paid in full by me, and trust me, I learned my lesson then and that's all it took. I won't disagree with you guys, I did feel like I had less responsibility with the car having not paid for it myself, so I prove your point there. However I do also believe that in certain cases like my own, those kinds of things can change the driver. Sad thing is the night of the accident I was telling my friends I'm not gonna be doing anything stupid tonight, but I let the backseat driver pressure me into it when another friend started to **** around with me, my mistake.

Since then I've been more responsible with this car than I care to explain. Luckily for me even before then I hadn't ever gotten a ticket with this car and nor do I plan on it. I don't **** around with it anymore, and the only time I'll drive it hard is at the track from now on, you can be 100% sure of that. I'm not an immature and irresponsible person, but when you're young you're a little more impressionable by those around you, it's funny... never started smoking, don't drink, anything like that which peer pressure ordinarily might turn a kid to, but when it came to my car I let myself **** up because of the pressure.

Just wanted to put in my $.02. Proving your point but also hopefully explaining that atleast in my case I certainly learned my lesson and that's that. Could have been worse, I'm very fortunate.

well its good to learn by mistakes, helps more when it gets scared or/and it costs..
Even when i was 16 with a 06 eclipse i got it brand new and never did nothing that stupid and then got the speed when i was 18 and i love it too much to do something that crazy
I thought the video was pretty cool actually, it was just like the first FAST and FURIOUS when they jumped the Eclipse....ahahahahaha NOT!! Not only was that "person" not going to say KID cuz who knows?? an IDIOT, but then again his friends that captured the video who laughed like a dumbass, probably bet him money or something to get him to do it...also RETARD!

People die each day of illnesses and these people gamble with not only their lives but lives of others!!
what friends, this is why i dont let people drive my car, ever. you live and learn when stupid crap like this is done to a innocent car. ive had people "test" my old lancer and mazda 3, its fun to them, terrifying to me lol.
This is epic! You guys are wrong to think this is stupid!!!!!!!

Sorry, I had to say that. I mean it is entertaining to watch but I want ot slap the kid for even doing that!
I can personally attest to that man, been riding street bikes for 6 years. Had my first major accident this fall when a squid on a brand new 2010 CBR1000, frieakin liter bike! that I know for a fact mommy and daddy bought him hit me from behind and ran me over. Now I have a titanium left Tibia, but I can walk and I can shift now, hopefully I will be running come spring, still in a legal battle with his insurance we'll see how it pans out. Never again will I ride with ANY riders I don't know. Seems I have the bad luck of learning lessons the hard way, no matter how trivial they are lol



Edit: luckily I never learned the hard way why you wear gear lmao, I never ride without kevlar jeans, boots, jacket, gloves and helmet!
So that's why I kept seeing you in the handicapped spot.
Well its like they say, its not if but when you'll wreck haha, I didnt ride with gear my first couple of years. I got lucky. Things we do for the ride eh

Correction: The things Utards do when they have bad influences and seriously lax laws. Utah has some of the worst sport bike and cruiser riders I've seen.
Even when i was 16 with a 06 eclipse i got it brand new and never did nothing that stupid and then got the speed when i was 18 and i love it too much to do something that crazy

I'm currently 19 and have a Speed3... won't lie, and I didn't lie when I joined the site, the madre bough the car for me just as I was turning 17, and the one idiotic thing I did that got me into an accident I took full responsibility for, paid for it, etc. etc. etc. any modifications done to the car have been paid in full by me, and trust me, I learned my lesson then and that's all it took. I won't disagree with you guys, I did feel like I had less responsibility with the car having not paid for it myself, so I prove your point there. However I do also believe that in certain cases like my own, those kinds of things can change the driver. Sad thing is the night of the accident I was telling my friends I'm not gonna be doing anything stupid tonight, but I let the backseat driver pressure me into it when another friend started to **** around with me, my mistake.

Since then I've been more responsible with this car than I care to explain. Luckily for me even before then I hadn't ever gotten a ticket with this car and nor do I plan on it. I don't **** around with it anymore, and the only time I'll drive it hard is at the track from now on, you can be 100% sure of that. I'm not an immature and irresponsible person, but when you're young you're a little more impressionable by those around you, it's funny... never started smoking, don't drink, anything like that which peer pressure ordinarily might turn a kid to, but when it came to my car I let myself **** up because of the pressure

Dang you guys got these early... Im 21 and ive only had mine for little over 6 months, this was the soonest i was able to afford mine. Im paying and buy any and all mods for my car on my own with no help from mom and dad and deffinatly am very careful with mine! My first car was a 1994 acura integra and i was carful with that, couldnt afford to wreck or get any tickets. When you pay yourself, your alot more careful as comapred to when someone hands you keys for somethin you didnt pay for yourself, more careless and dont give a f***
Dang you guys got these early... Im 21 and ive only had mine for little over 6 months, this was the soonest i was able to afford mine. Im paying and buy any and all mods for my car on my own with no help from mom and dad and deffinatly am very careful with mine! My first car was a 1994 acura integra and i was carful with that, couldnt afford to wreck or get any tickets. When you pay yourself, your alot more careful as comapred to when someone hands you keys for somethin you didnt pay for yourself, more careless and dont give a f***

I got mine when I was 21 as well back in 09. After having this car for couple years Ive learned alot. This car is a lot of power, dangerous in the wrong hands. And that vid proves it. I myself, don't so much baby this car, you can't....IMO. I love going fast, this car is my enabler. Ha. But you go fast when it's appropriate for the conditions, traffic. This is my favorite car I have owned, I honestly can't think of a better car! I do take care of her though. Royal Purple oil changes, new shoes, and plenty of details. So all in all, yeah, that kid in the vid is a DumbAss!