Mike Tyson Knockouts

as much of a nuthouse as he is, people forget that at one time he was the most feared boxer on the planet. and for good reason.
for real! he had skills you just dont see in the heavyweight division anymore. probally wont see them ever again either.
I watched the buster douglas fight live on HBO when I was like 9 yrs old.... that's when I learned... you can't become president when you grow up, but you can knock out mike tyson.
Those were my greatest memories in the heavyweight division. I was a big fan...still am but I don't say it to loud anymore.
Your right. People only really remember tyson from the recent years were there were upsets and not how great he was throughout his career. He just didn't have it in his heart anymore.
I was more impressed with his ducking and avoiding in the movie. I didn't know such a big guy could move so fast
GrandBelialKey said:
I watched the buster douglas fight live on HBO when I was like 9 yrs old.... that's when I learned... you can't become president when you grow up, but you can knock out mike tyson.
Funny, I learned that from playing nintendo.
i love the part after the hard left hit where the dure he hit flew backwardds a good 5' almost like he was floating. What a tremendous show of strength/power....

Too bad he is such a nut. I think I will just simply blame Robin Givens for his downfall.
anarchistchiken said:
Is that Mexican rap in the background? That's almost as bad as Jap rap, yikes.
Mexicans speak spanish not "Mexican". So to answer your question, no.
another thing that is so amazing about Tyson was the frequency of his fights. Most gys only fight 2-3 times a year at most. Tyson was fighting like every three weeks.
he was good. too bad he started going downhill not too long after his like 20th birthday or so(give or take)