ITB's came in the other day and got them all cleaned up to get the linkages welded.
10mm spacers are needed to get the ports to match up on the heads.
My friend that's doing the welding for me also has the adapter plates getting cut out at her work, they are about 12mm thick aluminum.
Once I get the shape cut out for them I will start working on the ports. I'm thinking about making the bottom of the ITB's square to make port matching them a bit easier and also give a smoother transition into the heads. Still a work in progress though as I'm still not sure how to want to sync the ITB's together yet.
Also got my electric water pump in the other day and just did the wiring for it. I am just going to run it off a switch inside the car with no thermostat. Wired it to a constant 12v so that I can leave it pumping for a few minutes after a hot shut down.